Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

Back to Routine? Succeeding with New Habits and Rhythms

August 12, 2019   ●   19 min

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Do Fall and "Back to School Season" drive you to make new goals or plans to 'be better' this year? If you find yourself chasing your ideals or goals and falling short, season after season, here's some encouragement as to how to set goals you can stick with (and achieve) and how to succeed with establishing new habits and rhythms. If comparison is a struggle for you or you're always trying or hoping to "be" or "do" better, this episode is for you!

Mentioned in today's show:

Compared to Who? the book

(affiliate link - purchasing book through link above contributes a tiny amount to this ministry!)

Jen DeFrates wrote a Facebook post about what's happened two years after she read Compared to Who? the book. You can see the post on Facebook or read her original post below:


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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Navigating Relationship Conflicts - Your Daily Prayer - September 23

When we need wisdom on how to find peace, there is one place we can look to find the answers. We can look to Jesus. He gives us instructions on how to act so we can have quiet, simple lives. It’s not always easy, but it is possible to find the grace to muddle through conflicts that inevitably come up in our relationships.

Read Today's Devotional