Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

6 Ideas for Lent that Don't Involve Food

February 19, 2020   ●   23 min

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Do you practice Lent? Though not a required spiritual discipline for a Christian, committing 40 days to intentional spiritual focus can be super helpful if you're trying to find freedom from body image issues or comparison struggles. For chronic or recovering dieters, food related fasts may not be the best idea. Here are six ideas for lent that don't involve food but may help you feel a whole lot better about your body by Easter.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Cultivating a Heart of Worship - Your Daily Prayer - September 22

Whether we feel more comfortable sitting with our heads bowed and hands folded in worship, or in singing, dancing, and raising our hands, worship can take on forms that are not coming sincerely from truly devoted hearts but rather from pressure to follow certain acceptable outward expressions.

Read Today's Devotional