Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women

Heather Creekmore

30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 25 - Scale and Mirror Release

September 25, 2021   ●   8 min

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Are you held captive by the opinion of the scale or the reflection staring back at you from the mirror? Does the wrong number or a new wrinkle ruin your whole day? If you've ever felt enslaved to the opinions of the scale or the mirror -today we're going to pray specifically for freedom in these areas. Are you ready to pray for their hold over you to end? Then listen and share with a friend who needs the same release!

Our verse of the day: 1 Corinthians 6:12 (NLT) You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything."

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for Cultivating a Heart of Worship - Your Daily Prayer - September 22

When we receive God’s forgiveness through Jesus, receiving His free gift, we are receiving an unending source of forgiveness that springs forth from Him. When we tap into it, we surrender our claim to holding an unforgiving heart towards anyone else.

Read Today's Devotional