Christians in a Time of Coronavirus

Christians in a Time of Coronavirus

Dan Darling

Christians in a Time of Coronavirus Episodes

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About Christians in a Time of Coronavirus

A podcast dedicated to sharing helpful Scripture and a framework for thinking about how to love God and our neighbors well as we deal with this global pandemic.

Meet your Host

Dan Darling

Daniel Darling is the Vice President for Communications for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC). Dan is a bestselling author of several books, including Teen People of the Bible, Crash Course, iFaith, Real, Activist Faith, The Original Jesus, The Dignity Revolution, The Characters of Christmas and the forthcoming, A Way With Words, releasing in September 2020.

Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Love My Enemies - Your Daily Prayer - March 24

Who is your enemy? Is it someone who has rejected, betrayed, or deeply hurt you? Jesus calls us to love even that person.

Read Today's Devotional

Today's Podcast Episode