Capitol Ministries Weekend with Ralph Drollinger

Capitol Ministries Weekend with Ralph Drollinger

Frank Sontag and Ralph Drollinger

Becoming More Like the 12 Amongst the 535 in 2020

November 3, 2019   ●   25 min

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In the Gospel of Mark (3:13–19), Jesus chooses twelve disciples into whom He will pour His life. These are the men God would use in a super extraordinary way! In fact, the book of Acts states these are those who would “turn the world upside down” (17:6, KJV).

Our country desperately needs public servants who will turn America upside down! So, what is Jesus looking for in you? What character quality does He most desire to be present? Are you the
type of person He can use mightily and extraordinarily?

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Stay on the Path of Righteousness - Your Daily Prayer - October 5

Staying on the path of righteousness takes work; many distractions and hindrances exist. But, each day, we have a choice: will we choose God and His ways, which are better than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9), or the way of the world that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14)?

Read Today's Devotional