Christian Online Dating Sites: 2 To Check Out

February 13, 2013

Christian Online Dating Sites: 2 To Check Out

It seems that as technology progresses, our lives also change with it in some really cool ways.  Online dating has become a huge outlet for men and women to meet and find love together.  I have had the opportunity to try online dating and I think it has good and bad points.  This article will be focused on both the good and the bad points.  Here are 2 Christian online dating sites worth checking out.

Christian Café

Christian Café has some really great features.  One feature is “Dating 101.”  Focus on the Family has joined forces with Christian Café and has written some really good material for men and women to read.  “Dating 101” articles for the men focus on things such as: pursuing a woman for marriage, looking at dating from a Biblical perspective, and deciding if remarriage is for you.  “Dating 101” articles for women focus on ideas like: what it means to be a woman of God, not letting the fear of divorce stop you from marrying, and how to live as the “weaker partner” in a Biblical sense.

Christian Café has a tab called, “Prayers”, to click on.  It is simply prayers that men and women of the site have decided to write on the site.  There are some really heart felt, beautiful prayers on it.  Many write about how wonderful it will be when God joins them with their future mate.  Some simply thank God for sunny days and good health.

This site provides you with opportunities to put up profile pictures and to write about yourself.  You are only allowed 3 photos, so make them your best ones.  The section where you write about you covers many areas such as: do you have children, do you want children, are you divorced or have never been married, and so on.  It covers all of your physical features from height and hair length/color to your body type and fashion sense.  It also covers your faith background and your involvement in church.  When you finish filling all your info out, the opposite sex can get a decent idea of who you are.

When online, you can check to see who is also “online” only, or you can do advanced searches to see who you are matched with the best from the checklist you mark about the opposite sex.  Everything on that checklist is the same as the info you have filled out about yourself.  You can decide what you are looking for in a partner and the site will pair you up with the best matches.

My only 2 complaints are that when you click to see who is online, they show you everyone around the world that is online.  You have to click a couple links to see who the ones that live close to you are online.  Also, it may just be my area, but there don’t seem to be a lot of people within 30 – 45 minutes from where I live on the site.  Other than that, Christian Café is a great site.  Many men and women have found true Christian love for each other on this site and there will be many more couples to be matched in the future, I’m sure.

Christian Mingle

Christian Mingle is my favorite Christian online dating site.  While it incorporates all of the ideas represented above in Christian Café, I feel that it does a better job.  Christian Mingle is much easier to navigate through.  There aren’t as many tabs to click on and they are bigger and easier to see.  It is much more organized.

Under the “Worship Center” tab you will find prayers and testimonies there, along with a complete Bible tab that you can click.  The entire Bible is there and you can read wherever you like in it.

One feature that is a huge plus for me is that when you click to see who is online, it automatically shows you the closest people to you.  You are welcome to change it if you like to: highest percentage matches (which may be anywhere), age (starting from 18 and going up), show only members with photos, and show the newest members only.

The Community tab features many things including message boards and chat rooms.  When you click on “chat rooms” you can choose your age group: 20 somethings, 30 somethings ect..  right away.  Find your age group and get chatting!

Setting up your profile is a breeze and it basically covers all of the areas that Christian Café does.  Christian Mingle allows you many more photos then Christian Café.  I believe you can upload up to 8 photos on Christian Mingle.  You can also easily change your main profile picture by clicking the photo you want and dragging it to the first spot.  This is done simply by going to “my profile” and clicking “manage your photos.”  You cannot do it this easily on Christian Café.

There are also many more women close to my area on Christian Mingle.  This may very well be that there are more subscribers than Christian Café.

Another great tool is the “secret admirer” box on the “home” screen.  It shows you women close to you one at a time.  You can click to see their profiles and you can also decide to click, “I think I like this member”, “I’m not interested”, or “I want to see who is next.”


All in all, both websites are awesome.  I may like Christian Mingle better, but Christian Café keeps pulling me back too.  There is love to be found online from God fearing men and women.  If you are single, you should give it a shot.  You never know what God has in mind for you.

"The Truth" (Jeremiah 29:11) “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”,photo credit: IainBuchanan via photopin cc, The Holy Bible, English Standard Version“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”


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