9 Famous Christian Actors: You May Be Surprised!
February 16, 2022

Famous Christian Actors
Hollywood is a place where you would not typically identify with the Christian faith. There are many more films and actors or actresses that do not exemplify good morals and character. However, there are actors that do live by faith. Here is my list of nine well-known or famous actors that are Christian. There are many other actors that are lesser-known that are Christian but we will save those for another article. These nine actors are Christians. Some are not as public with their faith as others but these are all actors that have testified to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
9. Denzel Washington
Quote by Denzel "A part of me still says, ‘Maybe, Denzel, you’re supposed to preach. Maybe you’re still compromising.’ I’ve had an opportunity to play great men and, through their words, to preach. I take what talent I’ve been given seriously, and I want to use it for good.”
Denzel is a Christian who at times has felt the pull to be a preacher. The quote above is a quote he made in response to a question about wanting to still preach. Washington is also stated to have given 2.5 million dollars to help in the building of a church in Los Angeles.
8. Chuck Norris
Norris is an outspoken Christian actor who has been on Television promoting Bible study and the right to pray in public schools. Norris is on the board of directors for the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools which promotes the use of the Bible in public schools. Norris has also authored a few Christian books.
7. Gary Busey
Busey Quote "I am proud to tell Hollywood that I am a Christian," he says. "For the first time I am now free to be myself."
Gary Busey is a famous Hollywood actor that is proud to declare himself a Christian. He has had many ups and downs both personally and professionally but remains a great witness to many for declaring his reliance on Christ as his savior.
6. Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg Quote “The first thing I do when I start my day is, I get down on my hands and knees and give thanks to God. Whenever I go outside of my house, the first thing I do is stop at the church.”
Some might be surprised to learn of Wahlberg’s faith but seeing some interviews with him you can see that he is living out his love for Christ on a daily basis.
5. Martin Sheen
Martin Sheen Quote “I have long since returned to my church. I have never forgotten that even though I turned my back on God, in my time of greatest need, he came to find me.”
Martin Sheen shared this quote when talking about a near-death experience he had and how it brought him back to God. Martin has since been very vocal about his Faith.
4. Jim Caviezel
Caviezel is best known for his role of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”. Caviezel used this as an opportunity to tell others of his own faith in Jesus!
3. Stephen Baldwin
Baldwin Quote “What is happening within Christianity is that it doesn’t know it needs to promote itself. “
This quote from Baldwin really exemplifies his evangelical nature. Baldwin is one of the most outspoken about his Christian faith in Hollywood.
2. Mel Gibson
Gibson Quote “ The Holy Ghost was working through me on this film, and I was just direction traffic”
Gibson brought one of the biggest Christian movies to ever hit Hollywood to the screen in “The Passion of the Christ”. The film was met with much criticism but brought many to the truth of Jesus!
1. Kirk Cameron
Cameron Quote “If you had the cure to cancer wouldn't you share it? ... You have the cure to death ... get out there and share it.”
Kirk Cameron was known as a teen idol during his days on “Growing Pains”. His adult life has been more about living out his passion for telling others about Christ. Cameron started “The Way Of The Master” ministry which helps to teach people how to evangelize and share their faith more openly. He has been a part of a number of Christian films and often is looked to in interviews as a Hollywood spokesman for the Christian faith. Seeing his passion to serve Christ and tell others about Jesus is inspirational
Bonus: Chris Pratt
Chris Pratt Quote: Fresh from his breakup with ex-wife Anna Faris, Chris said: "I would not be here with the ease and grace I have in my heart without my lord and savior, Jesus Christ."
Watch Chris Pratt's amazing acceptance speech from the 2018 MTV Awards, where he gives great advice based on faith in God!
It is inspirational to see actors in Hollywood that share their faith in Jesus with others and claim Him as Lord in a world and environment that is often far from Christian.
Share with us any stories of actors that you enjoy that share the Christian faith.
©Getty Images/Paul Bradbury
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