
6 Funny Christian Videos

July 13, 2013

6 Funny Christian Videos

This world is full of hilarious people. Well, Christians happen to be a part of this group! Christian comedians like, Brad Stine and Tim Hawkins are very well known. These videos, however, may not be. I had a blast researching this article! There are many funny videos online produced and performed by different churches and members of their congregations. This list keeps getting funnier! So please, start at number 6 and work your way to 1. Here are my 6 favorite funny Christian videos!

6. How To Invite Somebody To Church

This video plays on social stereotypes in a funny way. An African American man is trying to invite this little old white woman to church! It’s short, funny and it gets a great message across about taking the time to invite others to church.

5. Church Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

This video is a parody on Forrest Gump. It is very short, but the ending is funny! This one seems like it would go on longer, but it is funny none the less!

4. What If Worship Was Like An NBA Game

I love this one! It is straight up funny! There isn’t a message to take from this one, except that Christians can be hilarious! It has interviews, starting line ups, the kick-off and a whole bunch of FUNNY!

"The Truth" Matthew 4:4 But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

3. The Skit Guys – Love Words

The Skit Guys is made up of…you guessed it! 2 guys! Tommy Woodard and Eddie James are hysterical! They have many videos that bring the truths of God into reality in very funny ways! This particular video is about 2 men trying to find the right cards for their wives in a Hallmark store.

2. Baby Got Book – Dan Smith

This song is a parody on Sir-mix-a-lot’s “Baby Got Back” song. This one is ridiculously funny! Dan did a great job at bringing comedy and truth into this one! “NIV with the ribbon bookmark.” Hilarious!!!

1. RightNowMedia – Shallow Small Group Bible Study

This video may have you in tears! It really does a good job at making the point that small groups are essential and we can all use our gifts, talents, and words to keep them thriving. This video is exaggerating on the other end of the spectrum, making Bible study everything but studying the Bible and connecting with each other emotionally. You will laugh at this one for sure!


I hope you have enjoyed these very funny videos from some very funny Christians on the web! These 6 videos only break the ice on all of the Christian comedy that is out there on-line! These are my 6 favorite videos and I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have! God definitely has a sense of humor that He has given to all of us. I encourage you to incorporate as much laughter as you can each and every day you are blessed with life on this planet. Let the joy inside of you flow out so people can see Jesus! God bless you!

 If you found these videos funny, you should check out these links to some good Christian comedy

Top 10 Christian Jokes:  Clean Humor for a Good Laugh

5 Best Christian Comedians

Resources- ESV Holy Bible, youtube, photo credit: webtreats via photopin cc

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