5 Best Christian Comedians
March 11, 2013

Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
The Bible tells us there is time for laughter. God has a sense of humor! The problem is much of the world’s humor involves profanity or humor at the expense of others. It is refreshing that God has called this list of Christian Comedians to allow us to laugh using wholesome humor. Here is my list of my five favorite Christian Comedians.
5. Chonda Pierce
Chonda Pierce is a very funny Christian Comedian who is often called the “Queen of Clean”. Pierce got her start while working for Opryland USA in Nashville, TN. Since this time Pierce has been a very popular Christian comedian who has written eight books and has two platinum albums. Pierce is also a member of the Christian Comedy association and a spokesperson for World Vision.
Quote by Chonda Pierce:
“I come straight from the world of wooden pews and hell fire preaching. Some of it probably did a little damage – that’s where I get my warped sense of humor - but most of those days gave me solid roots,”
4. Brad Stine
Brad Stine has been called a clean “Denis Leary”. He has an aggressive comic style but because of his deep Christian Faith does not use any profanity or sexual humor. Stine got his big break in comedy with his debut album “Put a Helmet On!”. After having performed at Promise Keepers events, Stine founded and started GodMen in 2006. which was similar to Promise Keepers but promoted “Spiritual Masculinatiy”. Stine has since returned to the Promise Keepers. Stine has performed at many big name events and continues to be one of the top Christian comedians out there.
Quote by Brad Stine:
“If you can't say something nice... about an overrated, ungrateful European nation that would have been wiped off the face of the earth twice in the twentieth century if it weren't for the United States and which has given nothing to the culture in the past two hundred years but whine and cheese, both of which are made better in California, then don't say anything at all!”
3. Anita Renfroe
Anita Renfroe is best known for her rendition of everything that a mother would typically say to her children in the course of a day. Renfroe is the wife of a Baptist pastor and has three children. She also appears at times as a commentator on the show Good Morning America. When asked about here comedic style Anita said “I’d rather people laugh because they relate to something I say than because I wrote a clever punchline. All my stuff is about my life – it’s real and it connects people -- and that’s a wonderful thing.” Anita has a great comedic style. If you have not yet checked out one of her performances, here is a video to start with.
2. Bob Smiley
Smiley was a broke College student who decided to try for a $500 grand prize in a comedy competition. He won and this started his new career in comedy. Smiley has served as a MC for Christian Bands: Newsboys, Third Day and Mercy Me. This helped to boost his career and he now is one of the most recognized and in demand Christian Comedians around.
Quote By Bob Smiley:
“When you call yourself a Christian comedian, there are two circles — what people find funny and what people consider Christian, Finding that overlap — it’s very small. It’s a fine line finding what is clean, funny, but also Christian. I do get to talk about my faith during shows, but there are people that get mad either because there isn’t enough Christian or there’s too much.”
1. Tim Hawkins
Tim Hawkins got his start by posting videos on Youtube and Facebook. He is best known for his parodies of different popular songs. Hawkins parody of Carrier Underwood’s song “Jesus Take the Wheel” is called “Cletus Take The Reel” and has over Four million You Tube views. Hawkins is a very popular Christian Stand up comedian with over 120 sold out shows every year. Hawkins has a wife and four children and says he gets his new material by “absorbing the world around him”.
Do you have a favorite Christian Comedian? Please let us know in the comments!
Resources- The Holy Bible, English Standard Version“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”, www.youtube.com, photo credit: Hope4asu via photopin cc
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