5 Awesome Hawk Nelson Songs To Start Your Day
March 10, 2015

Diamonds are formed under intense stress and pressure and Hawk Nelson's latest album, Diamonds, explores how God uses our struggles to transform us. Lead singer John Steingard states, “Diamonds talks about how God can use pressure, struggle, trials and stress in our life and make it into something stronger and more beautiful.” Being diagnosed with stage four liver cancer at 19, a parent losing a four-month old baby to SIDS, a teacher giving her life to protect her young students through a tornado and countless people being executed by ISIS all seem incredibly unfair. Satan works hard during these times to feed you lies and make you assume you have failed God in some manner. God uses these exact situations to strengthen people with more inner beauty.
Here are five songs by Hawk Nelson to help you start your day, including a few from their new album.
5. “Words” from the Album Made
The words you choose are incredibly important and can either act as God working through you to encourage others or Satan using you to tear your loved ones down.
Favorite lyrics
Words can build you up
Words can break you down
Start a fire in your heart
Or put it out
Let my words be life
Let my words be truth
I don't want to say a word
Unless it points the world back to You
4. “Live Like You're Loved” from the Album Diamonds
Are you living in the image God created you in or living to impress others? Stay on the path you know He has laid out for you and break away from the chains of oppressive advice, comments, opinions and other baggage weighing you down!
Favorite Lyrics
I’m tellin’ you something
This racing
This running
Oh you’re workin’ way too hard!
This perfection you’re chasing
Is just energy wasted
Cause He love’s you
Like you are
Go ahead and live like you’re loved
It’s okay to act like you’ve been set free
His love has made you more than enough
So go ahead and be who He made you to be
3. “Thank God For Something” from the Album Diamonds
We have so much to be thankful for and you can be happy – regardless of your circumstances. Focus on thanking God for your blessings throughout the day – even when things are not going as planned! God brings many unexpected blessings!
Favorite Lyrics
If you’ve got a lot or a lotta nothin’
Ooo ooo ooo ooo
Go ahead and
Thank God for something
You’re gonna see the good if you’re
Good at lookin
We have a lot or we have a little
It’s really nothing new
Happiness should never be a slave to revenue
We gotta breakdown
Need a way out
Living unbound
When we start
Singing out a new tune
2. “Diamonds” from the Album Diamonds
Think about how God is shaping you into a diamond the next time you feel like you are fighting a losing battle. He won’t give you more than you can handle.
Favorite Lyrics
I'll surrender to the power of being crushed by love (oh)
Til the beauty that was hidden isn't covered up
Oh It's not what I hoped for
But something much betterHe's making diamonds, diamonds
He's making diamonds out of dust
He is refining
And His timing
He's making diamonds out of us
1. “Drops In The Ocean” from the Album Diamonds
Can you imagine how much God loves you? His love is deeper and wider than you can imagine and it never runs out – no matter how many mistakes you make. It’s best used when you embrace it and let him fill you with His love.
Favorite lyrics
If you want to know
How far my love can go
Just how deep, just how wide
If want to see
How much you mean to me
Look at my hands, look at my side
If you could count the times I say you are forgiven
It's more than the drops in the ocean
I hope and pray that these songs sink in as you start your day. Think about your blessings as stress builds and let God’s love cover you as you choose your words to build up and encourage others. As you ponder this quote from Steingard in how God is working through your struggles, “There are so many aspects to the idea of a diamond that are so indicative of the way God shapes us.” How is God working through your struggles to create a diamond?
Purchase Diamonds Here: http://smarturl.it/HNDiamonds
Article by Elise Cleary
I am a Christian writer and editor that lives in northern Michigan and thoroughly enjoy music, movies, TV shows, books and other entertainment with a Christian focus. My favorite song is "Oceans" by Hillsong United because it reminds me that has big plans for me and everyone else who puts their trust in Him. There are many movies that have impacted my life, but a few include God's Not Dead, The Shunning and Letters to God. When I'm not writing I enjoy watching movies and laughing with my busy toddler and husband.
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