
15 Duck Dynasty Faith Filled Quotes

September 30, 2013

15 Duck Dynasty Faith Filled Quotes

As the clan of Duck Dynasty becomes wealthier and more famous, they continue to keep their focus on giving credit where credit is due. It’s no secret that their sights are on God and they are not afraid to share their faith on and off television. They have continuously thanked God, which is part of the reason this redneck family has captured America. Their antics keep viewers entertained, but they are not mean-spirited. Sure, you see annoyance, bewilderment and anger, but – unlike the Teutul’s of American Choppers – the Robertsons still proudly claim to be family and don’t let their fame and fortune go to their heads.

Here are 15 faith-filled quotes from Duck Dynasty:

15. Quote: “Trying to make wine with no grapes, do you believe in miracles?”Jase

Man, this family likes their wine! The references to Jesus’ abilities keep it lighthearted.

14. Quote: “I’m into the true meaning of Christmas – Faith, Family and Facial hair.”Jase Robertson

Well, Jase has the faith and family part right, but I’m not so sure about all the facial hair!

13. Quote: “God made Woman to say “Wo-Man” what do you think your doing?”

Okay, this one isn’t about their faith, but it shows honesty about life and how the Robertson men have adjusted to the wonderful qualities of their wives.

12. Quote: “Wisdom comes from our life expirences wish I could say i wouldnt change any of them but I have learned from them and am more blessed everyday and appriciate every thing that the lord gives me be thankful everyday this family deserves to be blessed you go robertsons!!!!” – Si Robertson

To me, this shows how humble this family is and admits to the fact that mistakes are made, but focuses on what’s learned along the way.

11. Quote: “You can always turn water into wine, if you’re Jesus. Last time I checked your name was Willie.”Jase

Willie is clearly not Jesus, but who thinks he could make wine if his faith is strong enough? I’m betting he could.

“The Truth" Joshua 6:27 “So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame was in all the land.”

10. Quote: “God has taken four guys that look like five miles of muddy road and made them famous in the TV world.”Si Robertson

I love this quote because the family knows who they are, embraces it and people have accepted this.

9. Quote: “This would be nice when we baptize people in the winter.” Phil Robertson, about the hot tub at a home for sale.

Phil has a unique way of sharing his mind unfiltered, so you can truly see where his heart is with this quote.

8. Quote: “If you can find a nice pretty country girl that can cook and carries her Bible, now there’s a woman.”Phil

Again, Phil’s heart is in the right place. The older you get, the more you realize that physical looks change and the qualities in a person matters the most.

7. Quote: “Our marriage is living proof that love and family can get you through everything.” – Miss Kay

Marriage seems blissful, but like everything in life, it takes work and knowing that the Robertsons have clung to each other during hard times is a testament of their commitment to their vows and God.

6. Quote: “What attracted us to each other was what we saw in each other in our faith."Missy Robertson

I hope teenagers and young adults will take this to heart! This is what helps create a lasting bond in marriage.

“The Truth" Matthew 27: 52-53 “The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many.”

5. Quote: “I talk to people all the time who say, 'you believe in the resurrection of the dead?' Well sure I do. I see it all the time. And they say, 'you're a weirdo.' And I say, I may be, but let me tell you, I see resurrections every spring.”Uncle Si

The Robertsons are not afraid to go against the grain and have stood strong in their faith.

4. Quote: “I think our problem is a spiritual one. Where there is no Jesus, evil always reigns.”Phil Robertson

I agree with Phil’s thoughts here. Evil isn’t always big and overwhelming. Small steps in the wrong direction can send you into a downward spiral.

3. Quote: “Money can come and go, and fame comes and goes. Peace of mind and a relationship with God is far more important, so this is the precedent that we've set in our lives.” – Phil Robertson (from ChistianPost.com).

This quote exemplifies why I think so many people love Duck Dynasty. Phil, Willie and the rest of the family understand that God can give and take away.

2. Quote: “I wonder when people run into bad times, when they go to the doctor and they find out, ‘I’m dying of cancer,’ and they don’t believe in God, who do they turn to?” – Si Robertson

It’s very refreshing to see a family so intertwined in their relationship with God, that believing in Him and His power is a no brainer.

“The Truth" John 8: 31-32 “ So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

1. Quote: “I know a lot of famous people, done a lot of cool things. Tell you what separates me from the guys I know is knowing this (holding up Bible). The famous people I know that have so much money, it's just stupid let me tell you what they want to know from me. It's not hunting, it's not TV, it's what I gathered over my life from this.”Willie Robertson (from his speech at Harding University).

God’s power is clearly working through the Robertsons and the usual divisions and walls created from fame, money, background, etc. are not barriers.

This family has greatly impacted America, with sales of camouflage print soaring (especially for wedding dresses), a line of products from t-shirts to games, and conversations popping up about religion through the thick of seemingly anti-religious comments and actions. I grew up as a country girl, but tried fleeing the dirt and cornfields, so, reluctantly, I’m seeing some of my roots come alive in this show! It’s worth hearing the quotes and jokes repeatedly by my wonderful husband when I pay attention to the impact the Robertsons have made and people they have touched.

Check out this review of the latest Phil Robertson book.  A Christian Book Review:  Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson

Resources- ESV Holy Bible, Youtube, photo credit: Alex_Lewis116 via photopin cc

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