
10 Reasons I Love Christian Music

June 22, 2013

10 Reasons I Love Christian Music

# 10 Because it’s a gift 

Our great God has given us so much. He has given us His Son so we can be saved, He blesses us, provides for us, walks with us through tragedy and so much more. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:17, that we are to “fix [our] hope…on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.” Christian music is one of those wonderful things God has given us to enjoy.


# 9 Because it connects me to other believers

The Holy Spirit makes us one body in Christ and Christian music helps me feel connected to other believers. It can certainly happen at a secular concert as well where we all raise our lighters together during a great power ballad but there is something about a venue full of believers in Jesus all singing together or just talking about the meaning behind a song or how great a new album is.


# 8 Because it’s a preview of heaven 

When we read the Bible, especially in the book of Revelation, what do we see people doing around the throne of God in heaven? We see them singing praises to God. Christian music hear gives us an idea of part of what we will spend eternity doing, praising God in His presence in heaven. How exciting is that?


# 7 Because I love to sing

I think God put it in each of us to worship Him. While every act of our lives can and should be an act of worship to God it’s wonderful to have songs to sing that help me express my worship to Him. So many artists, even if they aren’t worship leaders per se still give us songs that allow us to enter God’s presence and worship.


# 6 Because my kids can listen to it

I can leave on any Christian CD or radio station and I don’t have to worry about what my children will hear. There are too many songs out there with either foul language or just foul themes and I don’t want my kids to listen to that, I want them to hear songs that will have a positive message.


# 5 Because it inspires

In some of the darkest times of my life God has used a song to help pull me back out of it. Something like “How He Loves” from David Crowder or some other great song that brings me closer to Jesus. We often need inspiration or encouragement and God often uses music to do that.


# 4 Because it’s evangelical

So much of the music that we have in the Christian world shares the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. How many people have come to know Jesus through the message of a song, or being invited to a concert, or hearing it on the radio? What an amazing avenue of sharing the good news with people.


# 3 Because it’s biblical

Think about the book of Psalms, an entire book of the Bible that was originally set to music. Then we have passages like Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (ESV) Music is part of the Christian life and how wonderful for us to have it.


# 2 Because it’s Good 

Within the world of Christian music we have everything from instrumental hymns to great hip-hop and rap with worship music or all styles and rock and roll in between. There is such a diverse pool of talent and available music from so many amazing artists that why wouldn’t I love Christian music.


# 1 Because it glorifies God 

We live in a world saturated with music and so much of it is filled with negative messages that are the opposite of who God is and what He has given us. This is not to say that all music is bad or that music that is not specifically Christian cannot honor God but Christian Music in particular seeks to bring glory to God through the lyrics and message.

Check out another popular countdown list from F&E author Jason Starinieri titled  top 25 christian albums of all time.

Resources- The Holy Bible, English Standard Version“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”, www.youtube.com, Photo Credit: dtcchc via Compfight cc


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