
10 Bible Trivia Questions to Test your Knowledge with Today

September 26, 2014

10 Bible Trivia Questions to Test your Knowledge with Today

Many of us have our knowledge of the Bible only in one part or passage when there’s so much to know and learn through it. The revelation of God through the scriptures can be life changing if we submit ourselves to read, study, and apply it to our everyday life. Answer the following 10 Bible trivia questions:

#1) Name the tree in the Garden of Eden that Adam and Eve ate from that plunged the world into sin.

Answer:  “And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:16-17).

Many people believe that is was an apple that Eve ate, but we don’t what the fruit looked like. We do know that it was pleasing to the eye; however, as soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit—they knew something was wrong.

#2) Name the 10 plagues that came on the Egyptians when Pharaoh refused to let them go.

Answer: Water turned to blood (Exodus 7:20); frogs (Exodus 8:6); gnats (Exodus 8:17); flies (Exodus 8:21); death of livestock (Exodus 9:3); boils (Exodus 9:10); hail (9:23); locusts (Exodus 10:12); darkness (Exodus 10:22) and death of firstborn sons (Exodus 10:29).

Many scholars believe that the 10 plagues brought down on the Egyptians correlated with their idol worship. God gave them more of their idol than what they could ever desire. We also need to guard our hearts against idols in order to keep them for consuming our lives.

#3) What did David kill Goliath with?

Answer: “Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine” (1 Samuel 17:40).

Was it the stone that killed Goliath or the faith behind the stone? David was filled with the Spirit of God when he declared that Goliath would die for his defiance. Our faith in God allows us to believe in the impossible is possible just as in David’s victory.  

#4) How many wives did Solomon have?

Answer: “He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray” (1 Kings 11:3).

Solomon began his leadership in the right direction—asking God for wisdom in leading the people. However his compulsions to satisfy his every pleasure caused his heart to move away from God. No matter how long we’ve been in the faith, we must stay true to serving God more than ourselves.

#5) What is the last verse of Psalm 23?

Answer: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6)

Most people know the beginning of Psalm 23—the Lord is my Shepherd, but the ending of dwelling in the presence of God forever isn’t always remembered. God promises to look after those who belong to Him all the way to eternity.

#6) How does the writer of Ecclesiastes describes life?

Answer: “‘Meaningless! Meaningless!’says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless’” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

People without God tend to struggle with meaninglessness after pursuing everything else. We were born to glorify our Lord and live purposefully according to His will. Believers have the Holy Spirit who gives clarity and direction in their lives.

#7) What did Ezekiel prophesy to in the middle of the valley?

“Then he said to me, ‘Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!’” (Ezekiel 37:4).

Ezekiel prophesied to dry bones that eventually came together to become a mighty army of God. We were also once dry bones and full of darkness until the light of Christ gave us renewed hope and joy. Even today the Lord has a mighty army of praying and believing saints to defeat the devil.

#8) What are the four names that Isaiah used to describe Jesus?

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

Hundreds of years before His birth, Jesus’ names were known to the Jews of Isaiah’s day. He is the Wonderful Counselor to guide us through the difficult storms of life. He is the Mighty God who empowers us to overcome evil with good. He is the Everlasting Father who comforts and protects us. He is the Prince of Peace who soothes our hearts to trust in Him.

#9) What are the 3 ways in which Satan tempted Jesus?

Answer: command stones to bread, throw Himself off of the pinnacle of the temple, and fall down and worship Satan (Matthew 1-11).

Just as Satan tempted Eve in the beginning, he tried his same old tricks against Jesus—but came away empty. Jesus was tempted just like every one of us and yet He didn’t sin. Through the presence and help of the Holy Spirit, we have the ability to overcome temptations and live victoriously in faith.

#10) Jesus came to the earth as a baby, how will He return?

Answer: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war” (Revelation 19:11).

Jesus will soon return as the Lion of Judah to bring order to the earth and punish the enemies of God. He will reign with an iron fist and those who resist will be quickly annihilated. While Satan and his demons will cower in fear, those who follow after the Lamb of God will be refreshed, restored, and replenished by His presence.

How well do you know the Bible?

We must be diligent to read and study our Bible every day so that we can give an answer for the hope that lies within us. Our knowledge alone isn’t enough, it is in the application of God’s word through obedience that we make the most difference in this world. Start today to read your Bible with more hunger to know Christ and be known by Him.

Article by Crystal McDowell

Crystal McDowell is a writer, speaker, and teacher with a passion to encourage believers to know and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through practical application of God’s word.  

Crystal and her husband, Marshall, raise their five children in the Bloomington, IL. As a freelance writer and editor for over 13 years, Crystal has published numerous Christian curriculums for Sunday School and VBS as well as many articles dealing with marriage, motherhood, and relationships. She’s a weekly staff writer for www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com as well as writing her own blog at http://crystalmcdowellspeaks.blogspot.com.


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