A Prayer to Appreciate God’s Blessings - Your Daily Prayer - February 7

February 07, 2024

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A Prayer to Appreciate God’s Blessings
By Victoria Riollano

"So, Esau despised his birthright." - Genesis 25:34b

I get annoyed a lot more than I should. A messy car, loud children, friends who text a tad too much, or a bank account that isn’t as bountiful as I would like could irritate my entire mood. I find myself wrapped up in how much someone or something is impacting my day, and I get frustrated.

Instead of being thankful for the blessings God has given me, like my home, friends, or vehicle, I complain about how I feel when things aren’t just right. But lately, the Lord has shown me that this choice to not truly appreciate all that I have is not pleasing to him.

What if I held God’s blessings close to my heart rather than in contempt? What if I chose to walk in joy and gratitude versus pity and annoyance?

I am convinced that I am not alone. In fact, in Genesis 25:29-34, we see the story of Esau and Jacob, which serves as a reminder to cherish God’s gifts. In this story, Esau is tired from a long day of work. In a hurry to feed himself, he asks his brother Jacob for a taste of soup. Jacob saw this as an opportunity to secure a major blessing. Jacob offers Esau the stew for a hefty price, Esau’s birthright.

In modern-day society, the birthright would be the equivalent of one’s inheritance or being named the beneficiary of someone’s very large life insurance policy. Yet, Essau was so consumed by the hunger pangs that he states in Genesis 25:32, “Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?” And with that, Esau trades in his birthright, which would have guaranteed him land, authority, and wealth for years to come, for a single bowl of soup. In this moment, Essau allowed a momentary irritation to cheat him out of generations of blessings to come! Sadly, the passage ends with this.

"So Esau despised his birthright." Genesis 25:34b

Interestingly, the word despised means that Esau disregarded or cared less about his birthright. The more I read this passage, the more the Lord reminds me that the choice not to appreciate what God has blessed you with is dishonoring to God. While Jacob couldn’t wait for the opportunity to have the birthright, Esau was willing to give it away with no regard. If you continue to follow Esau’s story, we see a downward spiral of missing out on God’s best for his life because of this crucial moment.

Friends, there are blessings you have in your life that many people wish they could boast of. In my own life, I have been guilty of holding resentment toward the very things that I had prayed for.  My prayer for you is that you see the beauty of God’s hand in your life! Will there be a hard day? Sure! Will you find yourself overwhelmed? Yes! However, never become so frustrated that you start to despise the very thing God has blessed you with. Pray for a strategy on how to steward the blessing and treasure it with all your heart.

Let’s pray.

Father God, I thank you for every blessing that you have given me. Lord, teach me to be grateful. There are times when I allow myself to get caught up in the daily frustrations. In these moments, teach me to seek you for wisdom instead of complaining. God, show me the beauty even in the broken moments. Help me to have a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Forgive me for every time I have treated your blessings with contempt. Thank you for being patient with me and guiding me. May my words and the thoughts deep within my heart be perfected by your Word. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Jacob Wackerhausen

Victoria Riollano is a mother of eight, veteran spouse, Psychology professor, and doctoral student, Victoria has learned the art of balancing family and accomplishing God’s ultimate purpose for her life. Victoria holds an MA in Child Psychology and is the author of two books- The Victory Walk: A 21-Day Devotional on Living a Victorious Life and  Warrior Mother: Equipping Your Heart to Fight for Your Family’s Faith. When she is not writing, you can find her serving in her local church as the pastor’s wife, worship leader, and youth pastor. Ultimately, she desires to empower women to live a life of victory, hope, and love. You can connect with Victoria at www.victoryspeaks.org and on social media at Victory Speaks by Victoria Riollano on Facebook and @myvictoryspeaks on Instagram.

Related Resource: Remember God's Enduring Love for You in this Guided Meditation on Psalm 100!

This guided Christian meditation from Psalm 100 will help you experience and praise God for his unending love for you. Become aware of God’s presence with you, and praise God for his loyal and enduring love from the beginning of time and into the future. Listen to every episode of the So Much More Podcast on LifeAudio.com, or subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!

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