Seeking God in Times of Trouble - Senior Living - October 14

October 14, 2024

Seeking God in Times of Trouble

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. - Romans 8:18

One Sunday in church, some of the members were praising the Lord for what He had done in their lives that week. A woman stepped forward in front of the congregation to give thanks for God’s provision in her life. She shared…

“Earlier this week, the roof of my house caught fire. I want to praise God that my neighbor saw it, and a possible disaster was averted. There was only minor damage, and my family wasn’t harmed. God is good!”

Some amens and a few claps arose from the crowd as a man stood up and began to walk forward. He stood in front of the congregation and said, “I have a praise I’d like to share, too. I’m her insurance agent.”

God is present in every trial you face. From everyday challenges to heartbreaking loss, He’s right there with you and promises to work everything out for your good and His glory. So whatever you’re struggling with today, remember you’re not alone.

Trust God in times of trouble – that He’s doing something in your life that’s infinitely greater than the pain of your struggles!

Prayer Challenge:       

Pray and ask God to help you see where He’s at work in your trials and struggles.

Questions for Thought:

What do you think it is about pain and heartbreak that draws us near to God?

Think of a challenge – big or small – you’re facing today. How are you seeking God in that trial?

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