Michael W. Smith

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Michael W Smith

Christmas With Michael W. Smith

Fort Myers, FL 33910



Christmas With Michael W. Smith

26.5169558, -81.9973086

Fort Myers, FL 33910

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About this event:

Multi-Platinum, Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Michael W. Smith is excited to be back on tour this Christmas season where he and his very special guest and friend, Michael Tait will bring you a night of his biggest Christmas hits and traditional favorites. We hope you’ll join us for a Christmas celebration that you will never forget.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer to Be Less Sad Today - Your Daily Prayer - September 7

The greatest cure and medicine for sadness and all the feelings it may lead to is the Word of God. The Word of God seeps into dry and lonely places and fills them. The more you drink from the Word of God and even digest it, the more your soul is saturated, and the more your sadness leaves you.

Read Today's Devotional