Donna Ulisse
Donna Ulisse
Donna Ulisse Songwriting Workshop at Steve Kaufman's Acoustic Kamps
Maryville, TN 37801
Donna Ulisse Songwriting Workshop at Steve Kaufman's Acoustic Kamps
35.75141660000001, -83.96416339999999
Maryville, TN 37801
About this event:
This workshop runs from June 15-June 21. Classes start at 10AM daily Steve Kaufman’s Acoustic Kamps offers acoustic music students of all levels an opportunity for real immersion and growth in an extremely friendly, supportive and uplifting environment where people can play music, sing, jam and share valuable musical knowledge. The cost for each Kamp is just $1140.00. This fee includes all classes, concerts, workshops, lifetime friendships, meals and Dbl. Occupancy College dorm style housing. Off campus Student rate is $1060.00. Some Private Rooms Available. We strongly suggest you stay on campus for the full feel and effect of the Kamp or to have a place to store your stuff. Award winning songwriter Donna Ulisse will be teaching her unique approach to crafting a song as she teaches her workshop from June 15-21 at Maryville College, 502 Lamar Alexander Parkway, Maryville, TN 37804 Visit for more information
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A Prayer to Prepare Our Hearts for A New Year - Your Daily Prayer - December 30
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