Chris Tomlin

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Chris Tomlin

Museum of the Bible: World Stage Theater

Washington, DC 20204



Museum of the Bible: World Stage Theater

38.8847621, -77.01715320000001

Washington, DC 20204

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About this event:

Join us for a reception and screening of The First Hymn, a documentary about the earliest-known Christian hymn with music and lyrics intact, and enjoy a special performance of the hymn by Chris Tomlin and Ben Fielding. The First Hymn is presented by Australian historian John Dickson, now a professor at Wheaton College. He explores the discovery of P.Oxy 1786—as the hymn is known to scholars—in the ruins of the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus. His journey of discovery takes him to Oxford University, where the papyrus fragment is currently stored, and on to Nashville, where the dream to revive the ancient song takes root. As part of the production, Chris Tomlin and Ben Fielding—two of the world's most respected Christian composers—work to resurrect this song as a piece of modern worship music. Their efforts span continents and cultures, resulting in a truly beautiful piece of music that is both engaging and accessible to the modern church. The First Hymn culminates with the release of their creation in a concert finale in front of thousands of fans.

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