Freak Accident Leaves Young Mom Paralyzed, But Thankful For Every Miracle

Mel Johnson

Alyssa Pfannenstein was laying in a hammock, watching her little girl play, when things went horribly wrong. A freak accident suddenly left the young mom paralyzed and fighting for her life. But you can't help but to be inspired by this amazing woman's attitude. She's making the most of her daunting circumstances, determined to appreciate every miracle! [caption id="attachment_40239" width="750"] Credit: Facebook/Justin Janssen[/caption] 25-year-old Alyssa Pfannenstein of Minnesota headed to the park over Labor Day weekend with her 4-year-old daughter and her boyfriend, Justin. While her daughter played, Justin and Alyssa set up a hammock between two large birch trees. The two lovebirds cuddled together in the hammock, as Alyssa's daughter joyfully ran around. But the peaceful moment soon turned tragic.

Hammock Accident Leaves Young Mom Paralyzed

Little did Justin or Alyssa know, one of the birch trees was completely rotten on the inside. As a result, it came crashing down on top of Alyssa, hitting her in the back and the head.
“It was surreal. At the moment, there was not even time to panic because it happened so quickly,” Justin said.
RELATED: Woman Miraculously Survives A Freak Accident At The State Fair The impact broke Alyssa's neck, leaving her paralyzed. Yet, somehow, she remained calm through the whole terrifying ordeal. Rather than worry about herself, she bravely comforted Justin and her daughter.
“Her calmness calmed me and her daughter down and made us understand everything would be OK,” Justin recalled.
At the hospital, family learned the freak accident shattered Alyssa's C5 vertebrae. It left the young mom completely paralyzed. Friends and family prayed, as well as set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for medical bills. And as news of the accident spread, more and more people lifted Alyssa up.

Despite her terrifying circumstances, Alyssa remained just as calm and positive as the day of the accident. Rather than focus on the many obstacles left to overcome, Alyssa is determined to celebrate each victory, encouraging her family to do the same.
“We just want to appreciate every miracle,” Justin said. “Accidents happen and we will get through this like anything else.”
And there have certainly been miracles to celebrate!

The Power Of Positivity

Alyssa underwent extensive surgery to remove bone fragments and repair her damaged spine. Afterwards, she started regaining some mobility in her arms, as well as feeling in her body. The prayers are working!

WATCH: Young Mom Paralyzed Stays Positive And Shows Amazing Progress

Determined to get better, Alyssa has already defied her doctors expectations. There have been setbacks too, but Alyssa has kept her positive outlook through all of it.

As Alyssa continued to stabilize, doctors moved her from the hospital to rehab facility. And with her upbeat attitude and determination, everyone is hoping and praying she'll make a full recovery! Alyssa's positivity in the face of such a tragic event is truly inspiring. There's no feeling sorry for herself. She doesn't waste time thinking about what she's lost. But this faithful woman is thanking God for each and every blessing. And she's incredibly thankful the accident happened to her, rather than her daughter.
“There is no way she could have lived through that,” she said. “I would take a tree for her anyday.”

WATCH: Paralyzed Mom Recalls Hammock Accident

Sometimes things go horribly wrong and we just don't ever know why. It's a time when, like Alyssa, we need to cling to our faith and trust God to carry us through. Let's all keep praying for Alyssa's recovery, and come away from her story just a little more positive! h/t: People YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Man Paralyzed On Vacation Defies Doctors Expectations In His Fight To Stand Again [caption id="attachment_40099" width="750"] Credit: Facebook/Mike Droter[/caption]

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