Woman Reads The Bible To The Attacker Who Slit Her Throat

Mel Johnson

This Christian Woman Read The Bible To Her Attacker

Lindsay Wood has seen some of the worst life has to offer. And the way she lives out her faith is pretty remarkable. When a violent intruder broke into her home and slit her throat, Lindsay's reaction wowed everyone. The devout Christian read the Bible to her attacker for more than an hour. But when an investigation revealed it was Lindsay's own son who planned the attack meant to kill her, what she did next left everyone in awe!


The attack happened just after Lindsay and her son returned home from Bible study. While Lindsay's 15-year-old son, Caleb, took out the trash, an intruder broke into the house. He came up behind Lindsay and cut her throat. But instead of panic, Lindsay used this harrowing encounter as a chance to minister to her attacker.

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Even though she must have been in considerable pain, Lindsay read the Bible to her attacker for more than an hour. She even invited him to her church. And by the end of her time with him, her attacker opted to let her live, apologizing profusely for what he'd done.

And while Lindsay's response to her attacker surprised everyone else, her mother said it's a testament to the kind and loving woman she is.

"She doesn’t judge people," Lindsay's mom, Jane, said. "She doesn’t criticize people. She’s a unique person."

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Lindsay was taken to the hospital and treated for her injuries. She received more than 20 stitches, but she was alive. And after the investigation uncovered that this attack was anything but random, the fact that Lindsay's still alive just goes to show how God was working through her!

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More To The Story

What bothered investigators most about Lindsay's attack was that there didn't seem to be any motive other than the intent to harm. As authorities dug deeper, they discovered that was precisely the motive -- to kill Lindsay. And the worst part is that it was Lindsay's own 15-year-old son who orchestrated the whole thing!

The initial story was that Lindsay's son, Caleb, was scared and hiding in the backyard after the intruder broke in. But come to find out, Lindsay's attacker was a friend of Caleb's -- 16-year-old Miguel.

Caleb had contracted Miguel as a "hitman" to kill Lindsay. But after Lindsay read the Bible to her attacker, Miguel had a change of heart. He decided to let her live and apologized for harming her.

The news of her son's involvement must have been just as painful as the attack itself. But being a woman of great faith, Lindsay chose to pray for and forgive her son and attacker. She even went to court on behalf of both boys, pleading for a lighter sentence.

Her reaction astounded everyone, including her son's lawyer, David Schweppe.

"From my understanding, she’s forgiven both Caleb and Miguel," he said. "She wants to see them rehabilitated. Her capacity to forgive is remarkable."

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It's hard to imagine this type of response in the face of such evil actions. And yet, Lindsay has placed her trust in the most capable hands there are -- God's hands! We pray Lindsay's incredible act of forgiveness will inspire both boys to turn their lives over to good.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

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h/t: ABC News/YouTube

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