Tearful Woman On A Plane Is Struggling With 2 Young Kids When A Guardian Angel Swoops In

Mel Johnson

A woman on a plane named Summer Edel had her hands full while traveling alone from California to Raleigh with her two youngest children. She was exhausted and overwhelmed, as were her kids. And that's when a guardian angel swooped in and saved the day!

Mother of three Summer Edel is used to doing things herself. That's because her husband is serving in the Navy. And as a military spouse, Summer is often left to care for the couple's three children and two dogs alone.

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So, when it came time for the family to move to their new home in Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer found herself flying alone from California with her two youngest daughters. However, God made sure she got the help she needed from a special guardian angel named Jenny!

Woman On A Plane Helps Overwhelmed Mom

The journey from California to Raleigh wouldn't be easy. It involved taking three different planes and traveling late into the night. And understandably, the trek took its toll on Summer and her children.

"By the third flight, my kids were fed up!" Summer recalled.

The other passengers could have easily ignored the woman on a plane struggling to keep her young daughters in check. But during a layover, God made sure to put a kind stranger named Jenny in Summer's path.

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As Summer and her exhausted children prepared to board their third plane, Jenny offered a hand to the struggling mom.

“I’m a mom of 4, if you need anything let me know,” she told Summer at the airport.

Though Summer appreciated the offer, she kindly declined as she was so used to doing things by herself. However, as she continued to struggle, her guardian angel, Jenny, swooped in to help.

"We start boarding, and I'm struggling. I have a baby in one hand and my toddler in the other," Summer recalled. "I needed to gate-check my stroller, and nobody is helping me."

Jenny raced to the overwhelmed mother's side. She immediately took the baby and helped Summer with the stroller. Once on the plane, the kind woman made sure to sit in front of the kids since it wouldn't bother her if they kicked the seats.

Help For Overwhelmed Woman On A Plane

A little bit later in the flight, Summer's baby suddenly began projectile vomiting. Stunned and dazed, Summer didn't even have a chance to react for the angel of a woman on the plane swooped in and helped out.

Jenny took the sick baby and told Summer to go clean herself up in the bathroom. By the time the stressed mom returned to her seat, Jenny had already rocked the baby to sleep. She kept the children entertained while Summer cleaned up herself and her seat. And Jenny continued providing assistance for the rest of the flight.

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Once they arrived in Raleigh, Jenny helped make sure Summer and her two children made it off the plane safely. Then, she quietly disappeared and let the tired family reunite in peace.

"She held my baby and walked my baby off that flight, and got my baby into her stroller, got me to baggage claim and to my husband," Summer explained. "I was so distraught and traumatized that I didn't get her number so I could properly thank her over a coffee or a drink."

Gratitude For Such A Special Angel

The act of kindness may have seemed small to Jenny. But for the exhausted and overwhelmed woman on the plane trying to juggle two young children, it meant the world. 

Thankfully, after posting on social about Jenny's kindness, Summer Erdel had the opportunity to reunite with her guardian angel over video chat. And as you might expect, the humble woman didn't see anything special about the kindness she showed to Summer and her kids.

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"I mean, I try to show the same kindness that people give to me and I feel like I'm surrounded by people who look out for each other," Jenny said.

What a beautiful reminder of just how much of an impact kindness can have!

WATCH: Guardian Angel Helps Overwhelmed Woman On A Plane

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h/t: WRAL

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/WRAL | Facebook/Summer Alysia Lynne Erdel

Mel is the senior writer for GodUpdates, finding, writing and sharing Christian, uplifting, and health-related stories from around the world. Mel has a passion for writing and graduated with a degree in English from Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. When she’s not researching and writing stories, Mel is very active in her church. You can usually find Mel playing board games with her husband and two young girls, giving someone a hug, or hunting down a good cup of coffee!

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