
Teen Who Raced To Help Elderly Woman Who Fell Down Refused To Accept Any Reward

September 14, 2023

Teen Who Raced To Help Elderly Woman Who Fell Down Refused To Accept Any Reward

A young man, who came to the aid and rescue of an elderly woman who fell down and took a tumble in a public park in central Ohio, refused to accept any monetary reward for his good deed. 

Life can and often is painful, both physically and emotionally. Different situations and circumstances can leave their marks in the form of scars or in other, less visible ways. As such, everyone requires a little grace and assistance every now and then. Lending a helping hand could change the course of someone’s day, week or entire outlook on life. 

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Sometimes help, grace and kindness can come from an unexpected place. That is what happened to Susan Perry and her elderly mother, Patricia Perry. That unlikely source of assistance? A 14-year-old middle school student. 

Susan and Patricia, who live in Ashville, Ohio, a town about 30 miles south of Columbus, enjoy getting out and taking daily walks, according to The Epoch Times. Rain or shine, it does not matter, Susan and Patricia try to walk the half a mile or so loop in Ashville Park.

However, due to Patricia’s advanced age and the fact that she suffered a stroke and has undergone knee replacement surgery in the past, she requires some help walking. The outlet reports that Patricia uses a rollator. 

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However, during one of their walks in mid-August, Patricia took a tumble in the park. 

"We are getting close to, like, the baseball bench with a lot of rock. It was not really steady," Susan said. "I thought she was going to go to one side of the bench, and she wanted to go to the other."

The 14-Year-old Raced To The Scene And Helped The Elderly Woman To Her Feet

This momentary confusion between Susan and her mother resulted in Patricia’s rollator being pushed, which sent her to the ground. 

However, help was already headed to the scene, which came in the form of Daniel Hazzard, a 14-year-old middle school student, according to a social media post from Susan. 

Daniel, who had planned to meet some friends in the park, rushed over to Patricia and gave her and Susan some assistance. 

The young man literally gave Patricia a helping hand.

"He helped to pull her up and got her onto the rollator,” Susan said. “I was going to have him get the car, but he doesn't have his license, and I didn't want him to get in trouble. ... So, he stayed with her, and I ran and got the car. He helped get her in. He was just very kind."

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To show their appreciation for his unexpected kindness, Susan and Patricia tried to reward him with money. However, Daniel refused to take it. 

Instead, the outlet reports that Daniel told them he wanted to do “something nice.”

"I was glad to help her. ... I like helping people, especially elderly people," Daniel said. 

What a wonderful young man with a caring and loving heart who wants to help some of society’s most vulnerable members. 

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“And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.”Ephesians 4:32

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h/t: The Epoch Times & Facebook.com/Susan Perry

Featured Image Credit: Facebook.com/Susan Perry


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