
God Led Her To This Family In The Grocery Store. And What He Had Her Do...TEARS!

August 19, 2015

God Led Her To This Family In The Grocery Store. And What He Had Her Do...TEARS!

The Hands And Feet Of Jesus

Life is busy and messy and it goes by at the speed of light. (Especially when you have kids - amen?!) Sometimes the Holy Spirit will hit you over the head. But sometimes He comes as a whisper -- that still, small voice. And we have to be careful not to miss it.

I think that’s why I love the following post that was shared on Fairview Baptist Church’s Facebook page. As someone who always feels her life is in a perpetual state of chaos, there have been many times I’ve looked back and realized I’d missed an opportunity to do something nice for someone else. So I found the woman’s story below to be a great reminder to take the time to stop amongst the chaos, and search for that still small voice.

Please read on to hear this woman’s story of how the Lord called her to serve in the middle of a busy trip to the grocery store…

I hesitate to post this, but really feel like the Lord wants someone to hear this. This isn't to make me look good or that what I did was better than other people. I just want to let Jesus be glorified. I know the bible talks about don't let your left hand know what your right hand is giving and I'm hoping I'm not out of line by sharing this.

Heading to the grocery store is always an adventure. Add three children in the mix and, well, I believe that ups the adventure level to thrill ride status.Today, armed with my Aldi bags and children, we headed into the store to conquer filling the fridge (that stopped working while on vacation) and bare cupboards.

I often run in and try to go through as fast as I can and get out. Today was no exception. When we got to the checkout, only 2 lines were open and the lines were long. I was trying to pick a line but a lady in front of me was kind of blocking both lanes, waiting to see which would be quicker.

One line had a few people with full carts and the other had one family with 4 kids in line that was sorting out their groceries in a very odd way. The lady in front of me seemed very annoyed and picked the longer line. My kids were getting antsy and starting to get a little loud, but I felt the Lord leading me to watch what was happening with the family in front of me.

As I watched I saw the 4 children look anxious/nervous... The mom and dad were having the cashier scan one item at a time and tell them the total. The mother was picking through the piles and picking out items that were needs and not wants. It was obvious they had a very strict budget they had to stay on. All the extra treats and Popsicles that they picked didn't fit in the budget.

I felt the Lord say buy it.

Our family lives well and we have what we need and a enough for extras. I didn't have a clue what it would cost, but I said “yes Lord.” I spoke up and said go ahead get those -- the Lord is paying for those extras today.

The mom just looked at me. I was trying to not make a big deal and just do it, but I saw one of the little girls wipe tears from her eyes and it almost broke me.

So many times we are so busy, so distracted, we miss these sweet moments. My kids were having a good old time because they KNEW they were getting the things they need and what they wanted as treats. Those children were watching anxiously, not sure if they could get the things they wanted.

I looked at the little girl and said, “Sweet heart, the Lord loves you and wants you to have every blessing because every blessing comes from him. He owns it all.”

It was quick and simple.

After they left, the cashier thanked me. She said, “You know what? He does own it all, doesn't He?”

I said, “Yes ma'am he does.”

She said, “And you paying for those groceries...that was all about him wasn't it?”

I said, “Yes ma'am.”

She said, “Wow. That's what love looks like.”

I said, “Yes ma'am. He loves us all so much.”

Love is colorblind.

Love doesn't care about social economic status.

Love doesn't care what the person has done.

Love doesn't care where they live.

Love doesn't care what job they have if the have one.

Love didn't have to have a church or denomination attached to it.

Love isn't waiting to see what is giving back or in return.

Love is all we need.

Love is Jesus.

I pray today we all slow down long enough to see the moments where we can show Jesus, and show love to anyone around us. Please find some one this week that you can show JESUS’ LOVE TO. This week, there are lots of families out there that you may be confronted with to help. Are you going to Listen to JESUS or satan who tells you you may need it later?

For more inspiring stories, CLICK HERE!


Credit: Fairview Baptist Church

Featured Image Credit: ThinkStock


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