Construction Workers Rescue A 'Dog' That Isn't Actually A Dog At All, He's A Wolf

Mel Johnson

A group of heroic construction workers jumped into action when they spotted a dog trapped on a frozen river. But after getting the poor creature to the animal hospital, they discovered they'd actually rescued a wolf mistaken for a dog!

As constructions workers in Estonia worked to repair a dam on the Parnu river, they spotted an animal in trouble. Out on the frozen river, the men saw what looked like a dog splashing through the icy water.

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The heroes sprang into action, working together to clear a path through the ice. Pulling the poor creature from the freezing water, they wrapped the pup in a towel and rushed him to the animal hospital.

“We had to carry him over the slope. He weighed a fair bit,” one of the workers said.

Exhausted from the fight for life, the animal rested peacefully in the car on the way to the hospital. That's when the workers started suspecting this may not be a dog after all. 

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"He was calm, slept on my legs. When I wanted to stretch them, he raised his head for a moment," one of the rescuers said.

Wolf Mistaken For A Dog Gets The Help He Needs

Even the vets didn't recognize at first this "dog" was more than he seemed. The animal showed no aggression and let his kind rescuers nurse him back to health. And a closer look at the hospital finally revealed the animal's true identity.

As it turns out, the construction workers had actually rescued a young wolf mistaken for a dog!

At first, the rescued wolf was just so glad to be safe and warm, he didn't show any kind of aggression. But once he started feeling better, the vets put him in a cage, just to be safe.

"At first, he was so done in for he didn’t resist at all. We simply kept him in this room," Vet Tarvo Markso explained. "But once he started to get an idea of the situation, I felt things might quickly take a turn for the dangerous. We got him into a cage.”

[caption id="attachment_62070" width="750"] Credit: EUPA/Erakogu[/caption]

The poor wolf suffered from severe hypothermia and shock. But the specialists soon had him on the mend and safely released the rescued wolf back into the wild.

The constructions workers were a bit taken off guard once they realized they'd been snuggling with a wolf. But they had absolutely no regrets in rescuing one of God's creatures.

“The experience was new. We hope he will be fine,” the workers said.

h/t: The Mirror

Featured Image Credit: EUPA/Erakogu

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