Wild Bobcat Kitten Had No One Until She Found A New Mama In This Sweet House Cat

Alyssa Forsberg

One wild bobcat kitten finds a surrogate mother in a sweet house cat named Honeybun. And the bond these two share is just precious!

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Honeybun is an orange cat who was rescued and found a home at a shelter called Spicy Cats Rescue. During her time there, Honeybun has helped raise many kittens besides her own. This is one cat that takes her mommy duties very seriously.

"She is the most even-keeled cat ever. She's not fazed by about anything," said Caroline, the president of Spicy Cats Rescue.

Recently, Honeybun had to help take care of a “kitten” like none other before. The new baby that needed some love was a 6-week-old bobcat kitten!

The kitten was rescued by Millstone Wildlife Center, and they plan to raise and rehabilitate the bobcat kitten, and then release her once she's big enough to be reintegrated into the wild.

Wild Bobcat Kitten Cared For By House Cat | Short Animal Story

"We do our best to provide the best nutrition, habitat, and medical care for our animals. With animals that easily habituate, we need to be especially careful that they are not comfortable around humans," Millstone Wildlife Center shared. "That is tricky when you have a social animal that needs play time, snuggle time, and a little help with grooming too."

Since the bobcat kitten had been crying out for constant companionship, the Millstone Wildlife Center reached out to Spicy Cats Rescue. They wanted to see if there was a surrogate mother that they could pair with the bobcat kitten.

"Honeybun was an easy pick, being so maternal and having raised probably dozens of kittens in the past," Caroline said.

Thankfully, the pair hit it off and the bobkitten was “immediately over the moon and totally in love with her.”

"They've been together a week tomorrow and are doing great. They snuggle, eat, and sleep together,” shared Caroline. “The bobkitten tries to play with Honey all the time."

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Now the bobkitten has a loving companion and no longer cries about being lonely. God bless this sweet pair and the people who helped bring them together!

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h/t: LoveMeow

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

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