'American Sniper' Widow Feels The Pain Of Her Loss. But What She Did On Their Anniversary--TEARS!

Stacie Marshall

 "I will love you all the days of my life."

Taya Kyle, wife of Chris Kyle (American Sniper) has a choice to make. She can cry (more) and hide from the world on their wedding anniversary OR she can do something that will help her heal. Taya chose the latter. Read this beautiful letter she wrote to Chris celebrating their lives together. What a beautiful example of her love for her husband. And, just think, God loves us MORE!

 “Today, I have a choice. I can bury myself under the covers and acknowledge the pain of missing you and mourn the future anniversaries without you. Or, I can celebrate never having a day without you in my heart because you loved me enough to leave me a lifetime of memories and beauty.”

Taya Kyle wrote these thoughts on March 16, the day that would’ve marked 13 years of marriage to her husband, the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.

Kyle, who was credited with being the most lethal sniper in U.S. history, was shot and killed at a Texas gun range in 2013. His life story became the subject of the Clint Eastwood film “American Sniper,” which was based on the best-selling autobiography of the same name.

To mark their wedding anniversary, Taya posted the poignant love letter on Facebook.

Here's Taya's letter to Chris:

Hey babe,

It's 13 years today. Our wedding anniversary. I miss you and I love you. I feel you in my heart and soul so strongly. I am more blessed to have been your wife than anything else in my life.

Today, I am thinking of our new relationship, when you rented a boutique hotel room in San Diego and surprised me with 2 dozen long stem pink roses when we arrived. You got us tickets to a local improv type play. I knew then I was the luckiest girl in the world to be with tough, romantic, loving you.

I am thinking of the way you loved to blow the budget on gifts for me with that huge smile on your face and eyes lit up...so much so that my heart would leap out of my chest as I was simultaneously shocked and delighted even when I had no idea how we would afford it. I'm sorry I sometimes voiced my concern about the price.

I am also thinking of how grateful I finally learned how to not balk at the money spent on your generous gifts. I am thinking of November 2012 when you sent me a dozen long stem red roses with a card that said "Just Because" and how you had them delivered even though we were home together that day. You just wanted to surprise me. You did and it made my day like you made so many others.

Today, I have a choice. I can bury myself under the covers and acknowledge the pain of missing you and mourn the future anniversaries without you. Or, I can celebrate never having a day without you in my heart because you loved me enough to leave me a lifetime of memories and beauty. I am somewhere in between today.

And if I didn't tell you enough in life, then let me tell you today... YOU Chris Kyle, are IT for me. YOU are the package deal who makes hanging on worth it.

I loved you yesterday, I love you now, and I will love you all the days of my life.

Thank you for marrying me, even if I'm the one who had to ask you. :)

Thank you, Taya, for sharing your story with us. Your love story will certainly inspire others as they mourn the loss of their loved ones. May God be with you and your children and give you peace and love that can ONLY come from God.

If you wrote a love letter to God, what would it say? 

For another love story, click here!

HT HuffPost

Featured Image Credit: Youtube

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