
These 13 Wet Pups Look Awfully Familiar. And When YOU Find Out Why You'll CRACK UP!

April 28, 2015

These 13 Wet Pups Look Awfully Familiar. And When YOU Find Out Why You'll CRACK UP!

Wet and Ridiculously Funny!

Someone incredibly clever found pictures of puppy dogs at bath time and linked them up with stars that they seem to resemble when all wet! The result is quite funny. So, enjoy your comedic relief for the day and have a laugh on us!

For example...#1 Iggy Pup

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#2 Doberman Pink-scher

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#3 Paw-n Connery Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 11.50.05 AM

#4 Mutt-ley Cyrus

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#5  Cara De-labrador


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#6 George Coon-hound

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#7 Beyoncé Howls

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#8 Saint-Bernardo DiCaprio
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#9 Samoyed Hayek

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#10 Brad Pitt-Bull

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#11 Jack-Russell Brand

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#12 Cynthia Nip-son

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And last but not least, #13 Husky Jackman

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For another funny story, CLICK HERE!

HT Distractify

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