Woman's 'Kidney Stone Pain' Reveals Undetected Pregnancy Just 2 Hours Before Baby Girl's Birth

Mel Johnson

23-year-old ballet teacher Lizzie Quah shares the fascinating story of her undetected pregnancy. What she thought was kidney stones turned out to be labor. And just 2 hours later, she became a new mom!

This bizarre story may sound hard to believe. But Lizzie Quah apparently had no idea she was pregnant.

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Her pregnancy went undetected right up until she was in labor. Only, she didn't know she was in labor because she didn't even know she was pregnant!

Undetected Pregnancy Takes Everyone By Surprise

Over the course of the pregnancy, Lizzie Quah, a ballet instructor, experienced very few symptoms.

For starters, her monthly cycle continued arriving. Or at least, she thought she did.

"Now that I've researched a little more on the medical conditions I had, placenta previa (or possibly anterior placenta, there's really no way of knowing for sure which I had), I now know they likely caused bleeding that I mistook for a period," Lizzie said.

During the undetected pregnancy, Lizzie Quah experienced very minor weight gain. She chalked it up to the major changes in her typical routine.

"I gained a little bit of weight, but only enough where I felt like I needed to get back into my workout routine. I was working more than I ever had in the last six months before she was born," she explained. "And [I] was eating really unhealthy. I had stopped going to the gym because I was so busy, so I attributed that to my slight weight gain."

Lizzie also figured the increased work schedule as the reason she felt so tired.

"I was more tired than normal, and wanted to take more naps than I used to," she says, "but again I attributed that to working all the time."

So, when intense abdominal cramps sent her rushing to the hospital, Lizzie blamed kidney stones. But her trip to the ER took a bizarre twist when doctors unearthed her undetected pregnancy!

From Kidney Stones To Labor

It was a Saturday when the labor pains of Lizzie Quah's undetected pregnancy first hit. Only she thought she was experiencing severe menstrual cramps. She spent the day in bed and chalked it up to a lazy Saturday.

But by 2 am the next morning, Lizzie was in so much pain she thought she must have a kidney stone. 

"It had been 2 years since my last kidney stone and the pain was identical," she explained.

Before administering the pain medication for kidney stones, doctors decided to do a physical exam to rule out any chance she may be pregnant. And everyone, especially Lizzie, was shocked to find the cause of her agony was actually a pregnancy that had gone undetected the entire time!

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Not only was Lizzie Quah in labor, but she was already 8 centimeters dilated! And two hours later, with only 10 pushes, she gave birth to her 6lbs 7oz miracle baby, Winnie June.

God's Unexpected Gift

The circumstances surrounding the undetected pregnancy made the actual birth of Winnie June very traumatic for Lizzie Quah. But all it took was one look at her miracle baby for Lizzie to recognize what a blessing motherhood is.

"He laid her on my chest and she was perfect. I looked at her tiny face and I knew she was perfect," Lizzie says.

As bizarre as this birth story may be, it's clear God was at work. The undetected pregnancy was high-risk because Lizzie had “placenta previa, toxemia, and preeclampsia.” In the time Lizzie spent unaware of her child, anything could have happened. 

But her miracle baby arrived perfectly healthy and safe. And while the delivery experience was traumatic, the gift from God of Winnie June changed everything for Lizzie Quah.

"She is pink and perfect and sweet and beautiful. I am overcome by wonder and happiness and instinct. I am now a mama," she wrote on social media. "My heart is full, and my mind is reeling... Beyond all this worry, behind all that makes my every day, is only love. Only joy. Only life."

In addition to the blessing of her beautiful daughter, Lizzie Quah also received amazing support from her friends and family. She now shares updates about her motherhood journey on both her blog, Unexpected Mama, and on Instagram.

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Sometimes the scary, unplanned moments in life can bring us the biggest blessings!

h/t: Daily Mail

Featured Image: Lizzie Quah/Instagram

Mel is the senior writer for GodUpdates, finding, writing and sharing Christian, uplifting, and health-related stories from around the world. Mel has a passion for writing and graduated with a degree in English from Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. When she’s not researching and writing stories, Mel is very active in her church. You can usually find Mel playing board games with her husband and two young girls, giving someone a hug, or hunting down a good cup of coffee!

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