
Top Resurrection Sunday Songs You Must Listen To This Year

February 24, 2025

Top Resurrection Sunday Songs You Must Listen To This Year

There is nothing more emotional than being in church on Resurrection Sunday and hearing the entire church sing ‘Christ the Lord is Risen Today’ or any of the other top Resurrection Sunday songs we all know and love. There is just something about worshiping Jesus on Easter that inspires us and reminds us of all he came to do. 

Whether you are gearing up for the Easter season or just looking for a reminder of what Resurrection Day is all about, here is a list of some of the top Resurrection Sunday Songs to listen to, worship to, and enjoy.

Christ the Lord is Risen Today by Charles Wesley

‘Christ the Lord is Risen Today’ is one of the most popular Resurrection Sunday Songs, heard in many churches on Easter Sunday. The hymn was written by Charles Wesley in 1739. The lyrics explain what the day is all about with:

“Christ, the Lord, is risen today,

Sons of men and angels say,

Raise your joys and triumphs high,

Sing, ye heavens thou earth, reply,”

This version of the traditional Easter hymn is from The Village Chapel in Nashville, TN.

He Lives by the Newsboys

The Newsboys released ‘He Lives’ in 2023. The Easter-themed song was written by Chris McClarney and Church of the City in Franklin, TN. It uses a more modern worship style to celebrate Jesus's resurrection. 

“See the tomb where He laid

See the stone rolled away

He is risen, He is risen

He’s alive

See His hands, see His feet

Touch His scars and believe

He is risen, He is risen

He’s alive

Oh, He's alive”

How Great Thou Art

How Great Thou Art’ is a very popular hymn, often sung on Resurrection Sunday. It was based on a Swedish hymn from 1885 called ‘O Store Gud’ by Carl Boberg. Stuart K. Hine, an English missionary, later loosely translated it in 1949. 

The hymn celebrates the greatness of God and who he is. 

“And when I think that God, His Son not sparing

Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in

That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing

He bled and died to take away my sin”

These lyrics share about what God did for us through his son Jesus Christ and how it saved us. The most important part of the Easter story. This version of this beloved hymn is from Carrie Underwood. 

Crown Him with Many Crowns

Crown Him with Many Crowns’ is another classic Resurrection Sunday song that many churches use in their Easter Sunday services. The hymn was written in 1951 by Matthew Bridges and Godfrey Thring. This classical hymn has a strong and bold melody and focuses on Jesus as King and his sacrificial love. The lyrics begin strong, discussing crowning him as king for all eternity and remembering his sacrifice.

Crown him with many crowns,

  The Lamb upon his throne;

Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns

  All music but its own:

Awake, my soul, and sing

  Of him who died for thee,

And hail him as thy matchless king

  Through all eternity.”

This version of the song is from Reawaken Hymns.

Because of Jesus by Charity Gayle

‘Because of Jesus’ by Charity Gayle is a softer song that is sung on Resurrection Sunday to remember who Jesus is. The song talks about how Jesus can change us, of hope, and emphasizes the sacrifice Jesus made for us on Easter. 

The lyrics include:

“There on the cross at Calvary

You gave it all to purchase me

You are the Savior and the God Who set me free”

The song was released in 2024. This version is Charity Gayle live. 

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen

‘Hallelujah’ by Leonard Cohen is not a traditional Resurrection Sunday song. However, many have adapted it for their services. It’s a poetic song with biblical themes and a chorus of “Hallelujah,” which means “Praise the Lord," a central theme of Easter. The original song was written in 1984. 

There are Easter-themed versions, such as one by Kelley Mooney which begins with:

“A crown of thorns placed on His head

He knew that He would soon be dead

He said, "Did you forget me, Father did you?"

They nailed Him to a wooden cross

Soon all the world would feel the loss

Of Christ the King before His Hallelujah”

This YouTube video is a version by Pentatonix. 

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