12 Best Lauren Daigle Songs Of All Time

July 29, 2021

12 Best Lauren Daigle Songs Of All Time

Lauren Daigle has captured the hearts of millions with her soulful voice, radiant smile, and authentic style. Known for her vibrant personality and signature blend of contemporary and soulful worship, she brings warmth and sincerity to every performance. Her music transcends genres, offering hope, faith, and encouragement to listeners worldwide. Whether you're looking for worship anthems to lift your spirit or songs that resonate with personal struggles, Lauren's music reflects her deep relationship with God and her passion for sharing His love.

Born in Louisiana, Lauren’s journey to becoming a household name in Christian music began when she was diagnosed with a debilitating illness as a teenager. During her recovery, she turned to God and discovered her love for music, ultimately leading to her breakout success with How Can It Be in 2015. Since then, Lauren's joyful smile and effortless style—often a mix of bohemian fashion and laid-back confidence—have become just as iconic as her powerful voice. Her unique presence, both on and off stage, has earned her multiple Grammy Awards, making her one of the most celebrated voices in contemporary Christian music.

In this list, we’ll take a look at the our top 12 favorite Lauren Diagle songs that continue to inspire and uplift, helping us all draw closer to God through music. Let's dive into the beautiful melodies and meaningful lyrics that have made her a beloved figure in Christian music.

1. “You Say”

Lauren Daigle's song "You Say" is one of her most popular and impactful tracks, resonating deeply with listeners around the world. Released in 2018 as part of her album Look Up Child, the song became an anthem of hope, identity, and faith. In "You Say", Lauren powerfully contrasts the lies of self-doubt and insecurity with the truth of God’s love and affirmation. The lyrics remind us that, even when we feel unworthy or insufficient, God declares our worth and strength.

The song's vulnerability and raw emotion connect with those struggling with feelings of inadequacy, making it a source of comfort and reassurance. Its message—that our identity is rooted in what God says about us, not in our own or others' perceptions—struck a chord with both Christian and mainstream audiences. "You Say" topped the charts, won a Grammy Award, and continues to inspire countless individuals to find their true worth in God's promises.

Favorite Lyrics: Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low? Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know.

2. “Rescue”

Lauren Daigle’s song “Rescue” is one of those tracks that speaks directly to the heart, especially when we’re feeling lost or overwhelmed. The song feels like God is talking directly to us, reminding us that no matter how far we've strayed or how deep our struggles are, He’s coming for us. When Daigle sings, “I will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night,” it’s like hearing God promise that He’ll do whatever it takes to rescue us from whatever pain or challenge we’re facing.

"Rescue" is a reminder that we are never alone. Even when we feel like no one understands or hears our cries, God does. He’s always near, ready to fight for us, ready to bring us back. This song encourages us to hold on to that hope, especially in moments when we feel like we’ve reached the end of our rope. It’s a powerful declaration that God won’t give up on us—He will always come to our rescue, no matter what.

Favorite Lyrics: You're not defenseless. I'll be your shelter. I'll be your armor

3. “Hold On To Me”

Lauren Daigle’s song “Hold On to Me” is like a lifeline for those moments when we feel like we’re barely holding it together. It’s a song that speaks to our need for support, for someone to hold us up when we can’t do it ourselves. When Lauren sings, “Hold on to me when it’s too dark to see You,” it feels like she’s capturing the exact emotions we go through when life gets overwhelming and we lose sight of hope.

“Hold On to Me” is a comforting reminder that we don’t have to face our struggles alone. It’s okay to ask God—or even someone close to us—to hold us steady when we feel like we’re falling apart. There’s something so powerful about admitting that we need help, and this song gives us the words to do that. Whether we’re facing fear, doubt, or just a tough season in life, “Hold On to Me” reminds us that there’s always someone—especially God—who’s ready to hold on when we can’t. It’s a song that gives us permission to be vulnerable, knowing we’re held in love and grace.

Favorite Lyrics: When I start to break in desperation. Underneath the weight of expectation. Hold on to me.

4. “Trust in You”

Lauren Daigle’s song “Trust in You” is a heartfelt reminder of what it means to truly rely on God, even when life doesn’t make sense. The song is all about surrendering control and trusting that God has a plan, even when things aren’t going the way we’d hoped or prayed for. When Lauren sings, “When You don’t move the mountains I’m needing You to move,” it hits home for those of us who’ve prayed for something and didn’t see an immediate answer. It’s an honest acknowledgment that trusting God isn’t always easy, but it’s essential.

“Trust in You” serves as a reminder that even when we don’t see the bigger picture, God does. It challenges us to release our grip on the situation and trust that His ways are higher than ours. The song gives me peace in those moments when I’m tempted to worry or feel discouraged because it points me back to God’s faithfulness. It’s a declaration that, even if things don’t go the way we planned, God is still good, and we can trust Him fully. “Trust in You” encourages all of us to lean into God’s promises, no matter what challenges we face.

Favorite Lyrics: Every moment of my wandering. Never changes what You see. I've tried to win this war, I confess. My hands are weary, I need Your rest

5. “Look Up Child”

auren Daigle’s song “Look Up Child” is such an uplifting anthem, reminding us to lift our eyes to God in the midst of life’s chaos. The song has this infectious energy that encourages us to stop focusing on all the problems and uncertainties around us and instead, look up to the One who’s in control. When Lauren sings, “Where are You now when all I feel is doubt? Look up, child,” it feels like a gentle nudge from God, telling us that He’s still there, even when we can’t see or feel Him.

“Look Up Child” is the perfect reminder to shift our perspective when we feel overwhelmed by life. It’s so easy to get lost in the noise, the stress, and the fear of the unknown, but this song calls us to remember that God is always present. It’s like He’s saying, “Hey, don’t forget about Me—I’m right here.” The song brings a sense of hope and reassurance, urging us to focus on God’s love and presence, no matter what the world throws at us. It’s a powerful reminder that even when life feels uncertain, we can always look up and find peace in God’s unwavering faithfulness.

Favorite Lyrics: You're not threatened by the war. You're not shaken by the storm. I know You're in control. Even in our suffering.

6. “Still Rolling Stones”

Lauren Daigle’s song “Still Rolling Stones” is an incredible declaration of God’s power to bring new life out of even the darkest situations. The song has this driving, powerful energy, and it reminds us that God is still in the business of miracles—He’s still rolling stones away from the tombs in our lives. When Lauren sings, “You’re still rolling stones,” it’s a bold reminder that Jesus has already conquered death and that same resurrection power is available to us today.

“Still Rolling Stones” is a song that fills me with hope and excitement. It speaks to those moments when we feel stuck or weighed down by life’s circumstances, reminding us that God can still bring new life and freedom. He’s still breaking chains, restoring hope, and turning impossible situations around. Every time I hear it, I’m reminded that the same God who raised Jesus from the dead is working in my life, too. It’s a song that not only celebrates the resurrection but invites us to experience that resurrection power in our own lives, showing us that no situation is too far gone for God to revive.

Favorite Lyrics: Now that You saved me. I sing 'cause You gave me. A song of revival. I put it on vinyl

7. “Peace Be Still” with The Belonging Co

Lauren Daigle’s song “Peace Be Still” is a beautiful and calming reminder of God’s power to bring peace in the midst of life’s storms. The song speaks directly to those moments when we feel overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, and it reminds us that God’s voice is stronger than any storm we face. When Lauren sings, “Peace be still, say the word and I will set my feet upon the sea,” it’s like a prayer, asking God to speak calm into the chaos surrounding us.

“Peace Be Still” is a song I turn to when I need to quiet my heart and remember that God is in control. It’s easy to let fear and worry take over, but this song brings us back to the truth that God can calm even the biggest storms in our lives. Whether it’s a difficult situation or internal struggles, “Peace Be Still” is a powerful reminder that we can trust God to bring peace where there is none. It’s like taking a deep breath and allowing His presence to wash over us, grounding us in His love and assurance that He is always with us.

Favorite Lyrics: I'm not gonna fear the storm. You are greater than its roar. I'm not gonna fear the storm. I'm not gonna fear at all.

8. “Love Like This”

Lauren Daigle’s song “Love Like This” is a heartfelt expression of awe and gratitude for the overwhelming, unconditional love of God. The lyrics capture that feeling of wonder we all experience when we realize just how deep and powerful God's love is, despite our flaws and failures. When Lauren sings, “What have I done to deserve love like this?” it’s a humble, almost breathless acknowledgment of the grace and mercy God freely gives us, even when we feel unworthy.

“Love Like This” is one of those songs that makes us pause and reflect on how incredible God’s love truly is. It’s a reminder that His love isn’t something we can earn or deserve—it’s freely given, beyond anything we could imagine. Every time we hear it, we’re reminded of the depth of God’s love, and it fills us with gratitude. It’s the kind of song that invites us to rest in His love, knowing that we’re fully accepted and cherished just as we are. “Love Like This” beautifully captures the essence of God’s grace, leaving us in awe of the love that never fails.

Favorite Lyrics: When I am a long night. You are the sunrise. When I am a desert. You are the river that turns to find me.

9. “How Can It Be”

Lauren Daigle’s song “How Can It Be” is a powerful anthem of grace and redemption. The song beautifully captures the feeling of being overwhelmed by God’s mercy and love, especially in moments when we feel undeserving. When Lauren sings, “You plead my cause, You right my wrongs,” it’s a stunning reminder that despite our mistakes and failures, God offers forgiveness and calls us redeemed. The song expresses the awe and disbelief many of us feel when we realize the depth of God’s grace.

“How Can It Be” resonates deeply because it speaks to those moments of brokenness when we come face-to-face with our shortcomings, yet God still chooses to love and forgive us. The lyrics invite us to reflect on the incredible truth that Jesus took our place, bearing the weight of our sins, so we could stand blameless before God. It’s a song that leads us into worship, humbling our hearts as we recognize just how amazing His love is. “How Can It Be” reminds us that no matter how far we’ve fallen, God’s grace is always greater, and His forgiveness is always available.

Favorite Lyrics: I've been hiding. Afraid I've let You down. Inside I doubt that You still love me. But in Your eyes there's only grace now.

10. “O' Lord”

Lauren Daigle’s song “O’ Lord” is a heartfelt cry for God’s help and strength in the midst of life’s struggles. The song captures the feeling of desperation we all face at times, but it also reminds us of God’s faithfulness and the fact that He never abandons us. When Lauren sings, “O’ Lord, I need You, I need You,” it’s a raw, honest plea, echoing our own prayers when we feel overwhelmed or lost.

For us, “O’ Lord” speaks to the moments when life feels heavy, and we need to be reminded that God is near. The song is filled with hope, as it reassures us that no matter how dark or difficult our circumstances may be, God hears our cries and is always present to lift us up. It’s a song that encourages us to hold on to faith, trusting that God will see us through whatever challenges we face. “O’ Lord” is a beautiful reminder that in our weakness, God’s strength shines through, and His love is unshakable, no matter what.

Favorite Lyrics: Your love is lifting me above all the lies. No matter what I face This I know in time. You'll take all that is wrong and make it right.

11. Hold Onto Me

Lauren Daigle’s “Hold On to Me” is a deeply personal and emotional song about seeking support and comfort when life gets tough. It’s a cry for help in those moments when we feel overwhelmed, lost, or disconnected, reminding us that it’s okay to need someone—especially God—to hold us up. The song speaks to the universal experience of feeling vulnerable and in need of reassurance, whether from God or a loved one.

When Lauren sings, “Hold on to me when I forget I need You,” it feels like she’s expressing that deep human longing for connection and stability when we can’t find it on our own. It’s a reminder that even when we’re struggling with doubt, fear, or insecurity, God is always there, ready to hold on to us. The song’s vulnerability and raw emotion encourage us to acknowledge our need for help, whether we’re facing inner battles or external challenges. For anyone listening, this song serves as a source of comfort, reminding us that we’re never truly alone. It’s a powerful message that no matter how far we feel from peace, God’s love is always close, ready to embrace us and give us the strength to keep going.

Favorite Lyrics: Hold on to me when it's too dark to see You, When I am sure I have reached the end

12. Come Alive (Dry Bones)

Lauren Daigle’s “Come Alive (Dry Bones)” is a powerful and spiritually charged song inspired by the story of Ezekiel in the Bible, where God brings a valley of dry bones back to life (Ezekiel 37). The song speaks to the themes of hope, renewal, and God’s ability to breathe life into the most hopeless situations. When Lauren sings, “We call out to dry bones, come alive,” it’s a declaration of faith, reminding us that God can revive even the deadest, most desolate parts of our lives.

“Come Alive” is an anthem of hope, encouraging us to believe in God’s power to restore and renew. Whether we’re feeling spiritually dry, disconnected, or facing a personal struggle that feels insurmountable, the song invites us to trust in God’s ability to make the impossible possible. It’s a reminder that no matter how broken or defeated we may feel, God’s breath can bring us back to life, filling us with new purpose and strength. This song reminds us that there is always hope, no matter how dire the circumstances seem. It’s a song that stirs our faith, calling us to believe in God’s power to resurrect and transform any situation, bringing life and light where there was once only darkness.

Favorite Lyrics: Rescue every daughter, bring us back the wayward son, And by Your spirit, breathe upon them, show the world that You alone can save

Photo credit:©Getty Images/Terry Wyatt/Stringer

Kellie Kaufman - GodTube AuthorKellie Kaufman writes articles for GodTube and GodUpdates in addition to working as a marketing specialist for other Christian sites. She graduated from Elon University with a degree in strategic communications and hopes to further her education in digital marketing. She adores her beautiful mini Aussie, Kirby, and loves taking her to the dog park. When she isn’t spoiling her pup, Kellie enjoys crafting anything and everything and dabbles in a handful of musical instruments.


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