Man And His Dog Survive Months At Sea Before Getting A Miraculous Rescue

Adam Staten

A man, Timothy Shaddock, and his beloved furry, four-legged friend are now safe following their rescue at sea after spending months lost in the ocean.

The world is vast. It's a place filled with wondrous, lush landscapes, breathtaking mountain ranges and deep, blue oceans. One could spend their entire life traveling and exploring the globe and never even come close to experiencing all that God’s creation has to offer. 

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However, while traveling and venturing into the wild and the great unknown is exciting, it can be dangerous and even deadly. This is a reality that 54-year-old Timothy Shaddock and his dog Bella know firsthand, according to CNN.

The outlet reports that Timothy and Bella first set sail from the Gulf of California in May. Their intended destination was the French Polynesia. There’s a little more than 3,700 miles between those two locations, CNN reports.

However, just weeks into their trip, Timothy and Bella ran into trouble, according to the Associated Press. They encountered a devastating storm, which damaged their catamaran. They were left without any ability to communicate electronically or cook. 

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Thankfully, Timothy and Bella were able to sustain themselves with what they caught in the Pacific Ocean. The two spent their time lost at sea ingesting a diet of raw fish and rainwater, according to Sky News.

The Two Survived on Raw Fish And Rainwater

Then, after having spent three months lost at sea, Timothy and Bella were finally rescued. CNN states that the pair were found approximately 1,200 miles from land by a Mexican tuna fishing vessel.

After Timothy and Bella were rescued, he mentioned how grateful he was for the crew who saved his and his dog’s lives. But he did admit that he had his doubts whether he would survive the frightening ordeal. 

"I'm just so grateful," he said, according to CBS News. "I'm alive. And I didn't really think I'd make it."

Not only did the ship rescue him and Bella, but CNN reports that the crew aboard the fishing vessel also provided Timothy with food and medical attention. 

Antonio Suarez, the owner of the company whose ship found Timothy and Bella, credited God with the rescue.

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"Thank God for putting us in the path of a man who could have died,” he said.

"But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble." - Psalm 37:39

WATCH: Timothy Shaddock and Bella Rescued After Months At Sea

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h/t: CNN, CBS News, Associated Press & Sky News

Featured Image Credit: News

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