Teen With Cancer Learns He Has Little Time Left And So He Marries His High School Sweetheart

Alyssa Forsberg

When a teen with cancer finds out that he only has a few months left to live, he decides to marry the love of his life.

Chase and Sadie Smith, both 18 years old and seniors in high school, recently decided to get married and were wed on April 29. The simple ceremony took place in Sadie’s parent’s driveway, in the same spot where they had their first kiss. Close friends and family were in attendance to watch the couple exchange their vows.

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When Chase was 12 years old, he was diagnosed with a form of cancer known as Ewing’s Sarcoma. He had successfully battled the disease on and off for years. So when he met Sadie at a swim meet in 2019 and the two fell in love, they both dreamed about building a great future together. They even made plans to attend the same college and get married after graduation.

But in March 2020, Chase’s body started to ache. It turned out that a tumor had returned and spread all over his body. On April 24, doctors told Chase that he would probably only have three to five months to live. That is when Chase and Sadie decided to get married and planned their whole wedding in just four days.

The couple said that this decision was a “God moment,” and that they wanted to take this opportunity to express their faith in the Lord and their love for one another. Chase and Said also got their families together for dinner and asked for their loved ones’ blessing before their wedding.

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“I told them how much Sadie had changed my life and how much I loved her, how special she had been to me, the simple fact that there is nobody I’ve been able to open up about my personal life and cancer journey like I’m able to with her,” Chase said. “She is able to calm me down in a lot of scenarios when nobody else can.”

Their families gave their support and now the young, married couple is enjoying every minute together that Chase has left. But they aren’t giving up hope that a miracle could happen.

“We, every day, pray for a miracle together because we trust in God,” Sadie shared. “We pray that Chase would stay on this earth longer so we can bring more people our story of love.”

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Faith and prayer have been an important part of their relationship. They say they hope their story serves as a reminder of how strong love can be when you put God first.

“The most important thing in my world at this point is spending time loving and laughing. Just living life to the fullest and loving every moment,” explained Chase. “The precious people in your life, the amount of time they are in your life, take every moment you have. Enjoy and give everything you can in those relationships. And know there is so much possible with love when your love includes God.”

WATCH: Teen With Cancer Given Months To Live Married High School Sweetheart

h/t: Fox 8

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