Mom Surprised By What Strangers Staring At Her Special Needs Baby Girl Have To Say

Mel Johnson

Canadian mom, Pam De Almeida, frequently shares moments from her "perfectly imperfect life of raising two daughters" on her Facebook page, Slice of Life. Her youngest daughter, Sophia, has Down Syndrome. And though the adorable girl is clearly a gift from God, the fact that she is different often means people will stare at her. Pam tries hard not to let it get to her. But some days, all of the staring really bothers her. [caption id="attachment_28778" width="750"] Credit: Facebook / Slice of Life[/caption] That was the case one day during a trip to the Tim Horton's coffee shop. Two particularly rude ladies were busy whispering to each other while craning their necks to stare at Sophia, completely oblivious to the fact that the protective mama was glaring back. [rsnippet id="3"] Needless to say, the blatant staring was really starting to get under Pam's skin. I mean, come on. This little angel is absolutely precious! [caption id="attachment_28779" width="374"] Credit: Facebook / Slice of Life[/caption] So, when in the midst of this a couple wandered over to Pam's table, she couldn't help but think,

“Oh great! More people who want to take a closer look!”
But to the guarded mom's surprise, the man greeted Sophia with a friendly high five and a handshake. The attention delighted the sweet, little girl, who smiled and waved back.

Then, Pam says the man looked at her with tears in his eyes, saying:
“I have a story I would really like to share with you. But I am afraid I wont get through it without choking up.”
This was not at all what Pam had been expecting, so she urged the gentleman to share his thoughts with her. And by the time he finished, she was crying too! [caption id="attachment_28781" width="638"] Credit: Facebook / Slice of Life[/caption] He told Pam about a story he'd seen the previous night on the news. In the interview, a mom who'd recently given birth to a child with a major disability was defending her decision NOT to abort, despite pressure from her doctor to do just that. RELATED: Mother's letter to the doctor who told her to abort after her baby was diagnosed with down syndrome After describing the news segment, the man told Pam, “The point is, you never know a persons impact on the world. You can never know what a person is able to do unless you give them a chance.” Then, before walking away, the man turned back to say:
“You are a beautiful person. Your daughter is beautiful. Congratulations!”
And that's when Pam lost it. She says this was the first stranger to ever congratulate her on the birth of Sophia. [caption id="attachment_28782" width="638"] Credit: Facebook / Slice of Life[/caption] She says,
"He was the first complete stranger to recognize her WORTH. Her VALUE. Her BEAUTY. In a world where my daughter’s life is whispered about, where she is stared at, this man saw her IMPORTANCE."
Well Pam, please allow me to be the second. Your little angel is not only an amazing creation of God, she is a true blessing in this world! "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalms 139:13-14 [rsnippet id="2"]

This mom wrote a powerful letter to the son she was never supposed to have!

  Credit: Slice of Life

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