Total Strangers Surround a Crying Mom In The Airport (Why Will Give You Chills)

Mel Johnson

A pregnant mom at the airport was at her wit's end. While traveling alone with her young son, the toddler had gone into full-blown meltdown mode. But then, something amazing happened! Beth Bornstein Dunnington is the one who shared the heartwarming story on Facebook. It's one of those true inspirational stories that just restores your faith in humanity.

Real-Life Inspirational Stories

Beth was at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) waiting to board her plane to Portland. She couldn't help but notice a young boy around 18 months old who was making a scene. The toddler didn't want to board his plane, so he was having an epic tantrum -- running around screaming and throwing himself on the floor.
"His young mom, who was clearly pregnant and traveling alone with her son, became completely overwhelmed," Beth writes. "She couldn't pick him up because he was so upset."
RELATED: Stranger Helps A Mom Who’s Flying Alone With A Simple Act Of Kindness It's the worst nightmare of anyone traveling with a young child. With no one to help her, the poor, pregnant mom at the airport finally became so exasperated, she burst into tears. Sitting on the floor with her head in her hands, she'd hit the point of just giving up. And that's when complete strangers came to her side!

Strangers Help Pregnant Mom At The Airport

When you witness someone struggling in public, sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not you should get involved. But as soon as it became clear this mom couldn't do it on her own, Beth, along with six or seven other women -- complete strangers -- stepped up to help. These strangers came together, forming a circle around the crying mom and her son. Beth sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to the little boy. Other women offered up what they could -- a sippy cup, a small toy, a bottled water for the mom. The group calmed the family, then helped mom and son get on their plane. There was no discussion amongst the women. They just came together, did what needed to be done, and then went back about their business. Beth was so touched to be a part of such a random act of compassion, she shared the experience on Facebook, explaining it was a moment she'd never forget. And Beth's story struck a chord. People liked, commented and shared her Facebook post like crazy. It would seem, everyone's a little desperate for some kindness in this crazy, broken world.

Acts Of Kindness Matters

Beth's story is a reminder that any one of us can be the hands and feet of Jesus. It's so easy to get annoyed when we see a child acting up. That's exactly what every parent fears and expects in these types of situations. RELATED: She Laid Her Baby On The Airport Floor, Then The Internet Lashed Out But these women didn't roll their eyes or shoot nasty looks at the young mom. Instead, recognized her as someone in need, someone who was feeling completely and utterly defeated. And whether these strangers realized it or not, they showed her the love of Jesus! Who can you help today? "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 h/t: Facebook/Beth Bornstein Dunnington Featured Image Credit: ©Thinkstock/arnoaltix RELATED: Tired Mom Leaving Hospital Finds Parking Ticket & Note From Stranger

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