Singer Peforms A 'Sound Of Silence' Metal Version And It's Stunning

Adam Staten

This 'Sound of Silence' metal version performed by Dan Vasc is an awesome take on the Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel classic.

Musicians have been performing and covering songs by other artists since the invention of music and sound. YouTube is filled with videos of people playing and singing tracks originally made famous by other musicians. Covers, it’s safe to say, are here to stay.

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One of the more popular choices for the cover treatment has been and is Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence.” The song, since its release nearly 60 years ago, in 1964, has been heard by millions. It’s one of those tunes that most people recognize within the first couple of notes.

Singer Performs 'Sound Of Silence' Metal Version

Dan Vasc, a talented singer whose voice sounds like it was made for heavy metal music, gives “The Sound of Silence” the cover treatment. Dan’s version, of course, is a much more modern-sounding rendition when compared to the folk original version. 

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Dan, who obviously has a strong voice, shows off his immense musical talent throughout the video. While standing at a microphone, Dan belts out the iconic lyrics about loneliness. While his version is enjoyable and pleasant to listen to, he really kicks things up a notch about halfway through the video.

At approximately the 2:45-minute mark in the clip, Dan lets loose and shows off his voice, injecting the lyrics with much emotion and feeling. From that point forward, Dan uses the power of his voice to make the classic song his own.

What an outstanding, surprising and beautiful version of the classic song from Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.

This isn’t the first time Dan has given a beloved song a different feel and sound. In another video on his YouTube channel, he gave the hymn “Amazing Grace” the heavy metal treatment. 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Singing Sensation Celtic Thunder Puts Their Spin On ‘The Sound Of Silence’ And It’s Amazing

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

WATCH: Dan Vasc 'Sound Of Silence' Metal Version

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

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