
Strangers Ignored Pleas for Help from Single Mom of 4 Until a Special Angel Tapped on Her Window

August 02, 2016

Strangers Ignored Pleas for Help from Single Mom of 4 Until a Special Angel Tapped on Her Window

Have you ever noticed that when life goes wrong, it tends to go really, really wrong? For Tawny Nelson, a single mom of 4 precious girls, life got extremely hard after her ex left. But then, in the middle of the storm, God sent a special angel to remind Tawny she was not alone!

Tawny Nelson couldn't help but share the experience that restored her faith in humanity on Facebook. She explained how difficult life had been since her ex walked out on her.

"I am the single mother of 4 absolutely beautiful little girls. They are 9, 5, 2, and 6 weeks," Tawny wrote. "And things have been particularly rough since my ex left."

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Tawny had to rely on an old, rundown truck for transportation. She tried to avoid using it as much as possible. But one evening, she desperately needed to go to the grocery store.

Single Mom Of 4 Is Desperate For Help

Tawny loaded up her small brood and headed to the nearest Winn Dixie. After grabbing what they needed and checking out, they headed back to the truck. But by the time they got out to the parking lot, not only was it dark but it was pouring rain on top of it.

To make matters worse, the truck wouldn't start.

"One of my girls accidentally left a light on," Tawny explained. "My battery was dead. My phone was also disconnected. I have no family to speak of and was on my own."

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Tawny checked under the hood, hoping perhaps the problem came from a loose wire. But it was definitely a dead battery. So, she turned to other customers for help. And the response this single mom of 4 got is just heartbreaking.

"I must have asked more than twenty people in the course of two hours for a jump. They all ignored me. Not even a no. Just acted like I didn't exist," Tawny said.

By now, Tawny's kids were restless, hungry, and tired. Finally, Tawny just broke down into tears, feeling like "the worst Mom ever."

"Then I got a knock on the passenger window," she says.

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God Sends A Special Angel To Help Desperate Mom

A man of about 74 years of age stood outside Tawny's truck. He had a cane and a bad limp, but he was there to help.

The sweet gentleman handed Tawny a plate of chicken strips and biscuits from the deli along with some bottles of water.

"Feed those babies and your self young lady," he told the single mom of 4. "I have a tow truck on the way and my wife will be here shortly to take y'all home."

[caption id="attachment_62149" align="aligncenter" width="750"]single mom of 4 stranger kindness at winn dixie Credit: Facebook / Tawny Nelson[/caption]

The man's wife took Tawny and her kids home, with the tow truck following behind. It would be enough if the story had ended there. But this kind gentleman went even further.

The next day he returned with a mechanic. The mechanic went to work, replacing Tawny's battery and alternator, as well as fixing a window that didn't work.

As the mechanic did his work, the elderly man left. 

"When I asked what I owed the mechanic and if I could make payments he smiled telling me the older man had paid for all of it. He said that the only payment the older man wanted was for me to never give up and keep being an amazing mom," Tawny recalled. 

The Power Of Compassion

This stranger's kindness impacted the single mom of 4 in a powerful way.

"I've never cried so hard in my life," she said. "What he did revived my faith when I was falling apart. But he wouldn't even take a hug. I'll never be able to thank him. But I certainly hope one day I can do what he did for me for someone else."

Sometimes we need that reminder that God is still with us. That He has never left our side.

And sometimes, WE can be that reminder for someone. Just like this man was for a single mom of 4. Just like Tawny said in her post, this man didn't know her whole story or her whole situation. He just saw someone hurting and heeded God's call to help.

Who is God calling you to help today?

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you." Psalm 51:10-13

h/t: Little Things

Featured Image Credit: GoFundMe

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