Insecure Girl Finds Confidence Through The Love Of Jesus

Mel Johnson

From Insecure To Confident Through JESUS!

If you need your faith restored in our younger generation, then you're going to love Jordan Lee. This Spirit-filled young lady runs the blog SoulScripts, and her entire mission with this site is to boldly share the Gospel to build women up in Scriptural confidence and fellowship. But Jordan wasn't always so confident and bold. That comes from the Spirit! [caption id="attachment_24853" width="543"] Credit: Facebook / SoulScripts by Jordan Lee[/caption] In a touching post, Jordan shares just how dangerously insecure she was before discovering the love of Jesus. Insecurity is a battle we have all faced, and may even be battling it right now. Jordan's raw and honest post brings to light the vital importance of self-worth -- especially for our young women -- and just how damaging it can be when we search for approval from the world.  Read on to be inspired by Jordan's words. . .
"When I was 9, I cried in a dressing room because my thighs were bigger than all the other girls at school. So I wore sweatpants to hide my size. At 11, I hid in a bathroom stall during lunch because the boys teased me for being the only girl wearing a bra. So I wore baggy sweatshirts to cover up. At 14, I cringed when we had to take class photos because I was taller than all the boys and thought I was ugly. So I scratched out my face in the print. RELATED: Girl with severe psoriasis battles insecurity until she finds strength from within At 17, I cried when that boy broke my heart over spring break because he met a prettier girl. So I quickly chased after a new one and posted photos to Facebook so that everyone would believe I was happy. At 19, I collapsed on a long run because my body aches as I starved myself another day. [rsnippet id="3"] At 20, while listening to K-LOVE Radio, I realized that I had spent the first two decades of my life believing the lie that I needed to look like the page on the right. Clean, crisp, perfect, and poised. So I did all I could to hide my messes. My insecurities. My doubt. My discouragement. But the truth is that I always felt out of place. I felt too messy and big and awkward and ugly. And that's half the reason why my bible is all messy and unusual and what many people call vandalism. But the truth is that it's a sanctuary for me. A place where I can drop the filters and be the sad little girl that hid in a bathroom stall. Except there's no hiding behind baggy sweatshirts, no comparison, no judgment, no holding back. It's me, my heart poured out in every color, scratch, and squiggle. [caption id="attachment_24856" width="430"] Credit: Facebook / SoulScripts by Jordan Lee[/caption] There's kind of a system to it, sometimes, but not really. & that's okay. Because at 20, I had found confidence in one place alone - at Jesus' feet. And today, it's still the only place I'm free to drop the filters, to feel imperfect and ugly without wanting to hide, and free to be messy with a God who adores every ounce of me. That is radical. And my outpour on the page is my response. It's true for you, too. So if you're feeling fat or ugly or heartbroken or discouraged or any form of messy: that's okay. You weren't made to be like the right page. You were made to be like the left: bold, bright, beautiful, and maybe a little messy. Because messy in the Word = confident in the world." [caption id="attachment_24857" width="330"] Credit: Facebook / SoulScripts by Jordan Lee[/caption]
The world operates completely opposite to the way our God works, which is why it can be difficult to understand and accept the love of Jesus. In the world, acceptance is dependent upon unrealistic standards. It must be earned. But the love of Jesus need only be accepted. None of us have earned it and none of us our worthy of it. But that's ok -- that's what God's grace is all about. He loves us anyways. And the beauty is that His love is completely transformative, just like it was in the life of Jordan. Once we truly accept it, we are washed clean and made anew!
"'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
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She started Bible journaling when her son was sick and you just have to see what God did!

h/t: Love What Matters

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