
Mom Fights Back Against Mom-Shaming In The Name Of Jesus

August 23, 2016

Mom Fights Back Against Mom-Shaming In The Name Of Jesus

Stop Mom-Shaming, Start Encouraging

Jill Lyons is the proud mama of a happy, healthy and absolutely precious baby girl, Sadie. But somehow, an adorable photo of her perfect little girl that she posted to the Ellen Show Facebook page unexpectedly drew all kinds of mom-shaming comments. But Jill and other moms are fighting back. And what they have to say is an important reminder that Jesus calls us to love, not to judge! [caption id="attachment_30865" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates mom fights back after her baby girls pool pic draws mom-shaming fb Credit: Facebook / Jill Lyons[/caption] The lighthearted Ellen Degeneres Show has become massively popular. Ellen regularly invites folks to share their own photos, videos and stories with her, and adorable kids has always been part of that. And Jill had the perfect subject for one such photo -- the irresistibly precious Sadie! [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"]

A Photo Meant For A Smile

So, Jill set up a posed photo of Sadie lounging in the pool on a raft, and submitted it to the Ellen Facebook page. The page featured Sadie's photo, to Jill's pleasant surprise, and and quickly went viral!
The sweet comments people left under her daughter's picture tickled Jill. But she says the comments mom-shaming her made her "heart ache a little bit." Sure, she knows that any time you put yourself out there, there's going to be haters. But loads of people judged her and Sadie. And all based on rash assumptions made from just ONE photo -- a photo specifically created to be fun and lighthearted. RELATED: Country singer fires back after a photo of her buying baby food brings out the mom-shaming Commenters called Jill a bad mom, saying Sadie was unsafe, should have on a life vest, needed more sunscreen. . . the list went on and on. Again -- all based on a posed picture Jill says was meant to "make you smile, maybe even laugh."
"When will this trend of mom-shaming end though? Why do we break one another down instead of building each other up?" Jill asked in a Facebook post she wrote, calling out the haters.

From Mom-Shaming To Fat-Shaming A Baby

What's worse is that in addition to the mom-shaming, folks also turned their attention to sweet, little Sadie, suggesting there was an issue with this perfectly healthy baby's size.
"My heart aches because we live in a world where people are body shaming a 14 MONTH OLD and calling her 'fat'. . .Babies have rolls, that is why it is called baby fat," Jill says in her post. "People said she's obese. . . She's way overweight for her age. . . She'll have diabetes. . . These judgmental/incorrect comments are from ONE picture of Sadie."
RELATED: Mom has a powerful response when strangers online call her baby 'fat'

Other Moms Speak Out

And Jill wasn't the only one outraged by the harsh comments such an innocent photo drew. Her post caught the attention of Kirsten Johnson, the mom behind the Facebook page, Unstoppable Mother. And she took up Jill's cause as well.
Kirsten points out in her post:
"I just can't believe in our day and age where we MUST support each other, others find a time to judge. Jesus tells us to look at our own sin before judging others and He also tells us to confront others in sin with truth and love in respect."
Kirsten says she's not just looking out for Jill, but for Sadie too. She points out the little girl shouldn't have to grow up in fear and worry. Rather, Sadie should feel confident and loved. [caption id="attachment_30867" align="aligncenter" width="579"]godupdates mom fights back after her baby girls pool pic draws mom-shaming 1 Credit: Facebook / Jill Lyons[/caption]

Jesus Calls Us To Encourage One Another

She goes on to say:
"As moms, even as a woman, we already worry about being bad moms, being too fat, too thin, nursing, bottle feeding, having a clean enough house, serving healthy food, providing the best for our kids, we worry ENOUGH for ourselves! Let's support and offer guidance with each other because we all have a mutual understanding what worry feels like!"
After all, isn't that what Jesus called us to do? He cautions us from being wise in our own sight, and tells us to encourage one another and build one another up. Sometimes, it seems that people forget that the call to speak life applies just as much to what we say online as it does to what we say in person.
“To slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”Titus 3:2-7
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This mom had a great response after bullies called her baby boy ‘ugly’!

mj-godupdates-mom-responds-to-bullies-fb   h/t: Unstoppable Mother

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