
Ryan Seacrest Starts Crying As He Opens Up About His Experience At Children's Hospital

February 02, 2024

Ryan Seacrest Starts Crying As He Opens Up About His Experience At Children's Hospital

Cameras caught Ryan Seacrest crying as he opened up about some of the encounters through Seacrest Studios, which are located at several Children's hospitals across the country.

Ryan runs a foundation with his parents and sister called the Ryan Seacrest Foundation. Although he is known for his incredible hosting skills on television, Ryan also has a heart for sick children.

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There is a place called Seacrest Studios that is inside of Children’s Hospital. And Ryan Seacrest starts crying as he talks about his experiences there. He gets emotional as he recalls seeing the challenge on a mom and dad’s face who are walking through their child’s sickness. Ryan shares that a boy told him it was going to be a great Christmas because he “got approved to get new lungs.” Perspective is everything.

The Stars Of Seacrest Studios

A young boy named Payson Inkley comes into the studio. He talks for a moment to encourage other kids to make their day better. Ryan gives the boy dressed in a button-down shirt and tie a hug and promotes his skills. 

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The child beams with excitement. Ryan then reveals that he is going to be the new host for Wheel of Fortune. He is very complimentary of Pat Sajak and shares his excitement to work alongside Vanna White, calling her a “national treasure.” 

Ryan tells of the importance of giving back when you are given some success in life. He desires to help others find happiness, too. 

It is so valuable as believers in Christ to love others well by seeing them, giving your time to them, blessing them financially, and praying for them. Even if we do not have the physical resources that Ryan has, we have our faith in Jesus to come alongside those in need and love them well. 

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“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

Emma DanzeyEmma Danzey’s mission in life stems from Ephesians 3:20-21, to embrace the extraordinary. One of her greatest joys is to journey with the Lord in His Scriptures. She is wife to Drew and mom to Graham. Emma serves alongside her husband in ministry, she focuses most of her time in the home, but loves to provide articles on the Bible, life questions, and Christian lifestyle. Her article on Interracial Marriage was the number 1 on Crosswalk in 2021. Most recently, Emma released Treasures for Tots, (Scripture memory songs) and multiple books and devotionals for young children. During her ministry career, Emma has released Wildflower: Blooming Through Singleness, two worship EP albums, founded and led Polished Conference Ministries, and ran the Refined Magazine. You can view her articles on her blog at emmadanzey.wordpress.com and check out her Instagram @Emmadanzey.

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