
Booking Agent Claims Rider In Robin Williams' Contract Revealed His Heart For The Homeless

May 26, 2023

Booking Agent Claims Rider In Robin Williams' Contract Revealed His Heart For The Homeless

Beloved comedian and actor Robin Williams brought laughter and joy to millions and it turns out, he may have also secretly worked to help many who were struggling.

Robin Williams was a supremely talented man who showcased his abundance of talent in several iconic roles. Whether it was in “Patch Adams,” “Jumanji,” “Good Will Hunting” or “Mrs. Doubtfire,” Robin always shined bright on screen. He had a knack for hilarity and making people laugh. Robin may have also had a heart for the homeless.

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According to a Huffington Post article, one of the requirements for hiring Robin was that those companies had to find jobs for homeless people in the production. 

The clause was reportedly part of Robin’s rider, a document that contains a list of actors and actresses’ demands when hired for an event, such as a film or television production. 

Generally, actors, actresses and musicians often make wild and outrageous demands in their riders. 

For instance, the legendary rock group Van Halen wanted all brown M&Ms removed from their bowls of the chocolate candies. Rapper Jay-Z demands seven dressing rooms. While singer Mary J. Blige has to have her own personal, private toilet, according to Insider. 

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Brian Lord, the president of the Speaker Series Bureau, who, at the time, was trying to book Robin for an event, wrote about the unusual clause in Robin’s contract.

Robin Addressed The U.S. Senate On the Issue of Homelessness

Brian posted about the clause on his website, writing he was “very surprised by what I found.”

“He actually had a requirement that, for every single event or film he did, the company hiring him also had to hire a certain number of homeless people and put them to work,” according to the Huffington Post.

Brian went on to add that after reading Robin’s philanthropic rider, he “never watched a Robin Williams movie the same way,” according to RadarOnline.

While we can’t confirm that this rider existed in Robin's contract, we know he had a heart for the homeless. 

Back in 1990, Robin spoke in front of the United States Senate on homelessness, according to Newsweek. He supported a program aimed at minimizing homelessness.

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“What we’ve been doing for the last four years is basically putting a band-aid on a very gaping wound,” Robin says in a clip posted on Twitter. “But this, this program has incredible possibilities to deal with keeping people in their homes.”

 He also states “the problem cannot be denied anymore.”

“Isn’t it to distribute your bread to the hungry, and that you bring the poor who are cast out to your house? When you see the naked, that you cover him; and that you not hide yourself from your own flesh?”Isaiah 58:7

WATCH: Robin Speaks in Front of The U.S. Senate About Homelessness

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h/t: Huffington Post, RadarOnline, Newsweek, Insider, Twitter.com/@Goodable

Featured Image Credit: Twitter.com/@Goodable


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