School Choir Will Bring You To Tears Singing For Their Teacher Fighting Cancer

Dustin Dedrick

The PS22 chorus is an elementary school choir from a public school in Staten Island. And this incredibly talented group has gained internet stardom because of their beautiful and stunning performances. Their director Gregg Breinberg truly helps bring out the best in these kids and the big powerful voices coming out of these little ones is inspiring. [caption id="attachment_47217" width="750"] credit:[/caption] Singing is truly their way of showing love, so when one of their teachers needed a little extra love these kids stepped in in a big way. Mrs. Adriana Lopez is one of the kids’ favorite teachers, and in 2015 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. When Gregg told the kids about Mrs. Lopez they took time to shed tears together but then they knew they wanted to surprise her with a performance to give her hope. [caption id="attachment_47220" width="750"] credit:[/caption] Through it all Mrs. Lopez kept smiling and being strong, but the kids wanted to make sure she knew they love her and would stand by her as she fought cancer. They started looking for the perfect song and one of the teachers recommended Martina McBride's 'I'm Gonna Love You Through It'. The son was a perfect fit, so the chorus got ready. [caption id="attachment_47219" width="750"] credit:[/caption] Finally the day came and they asked Mrs. Lopez to come to the auditorium. She was confused when she saw the choir but then they started to sing. And get your tissues before you press play, because this performance is tear-jerking. These angel voices will make you feel the love! [caption id="attachment_47221" width="750"] credit:[/caption] This story was incredible enough, but the very best part is that now Mrs. Lopez has been cancer free for 2 years! What an incredible thing these kids did. Who else couldn’t help but cheer?

WATCH: PS22 Choir Sings 'I'm Gonna Love You Through It'

Credit: PS22 Chorus YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Woman Sings ‘Amazing Grace’ To Celebrate Beating Cancer

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