
7 Ways To Pray If Someone You Love Is Stuck In Sin

May 12, 2017

7 Ways To Pray If Someone You Love Is Stuck In Sin

When A Loved One Is Stuck In Sin

One of the hardest things to do in life is watch someone you love be stuck in sin. It is hard to watch those we love struggle with abusive relationships, alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. As much as we talk to them until we’re blue in the face, it may not necessarily make a difference.

It can be so easy to get angry. As a Christian, it can be even harder to know how to pray for people in this situation. It’s so easy to pray for the “human resolution” that we think is right and not God’s will. But how do we know what or how to pray? Here are some ways to open your heart and make praying for those you love who are living in sin a little easier.

7 Ways To Pray For Someone Who's Stuck In Sin:

1. Pray For the Lord To Be With Them 

One of the first things is to pray for the Lord to be with the person and watch over them wherever they are.

2. Pray for Him To Start Working In Their Life 

Pray for the Lord to start working in their life. Even if you don’t see it right now, it does not mean that you don’t have faith that He is working in the background.

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3. Pray For An Opening Of The Heart, Mind and Spirit

Ask the Lord to open their heart, mind and spirit to the love, grace, healing and deliverance that only He can bring. Ask Him to speak to them in a most unique way that will really touch them and get their attention.

“All wicked actions are sin, but not all sins lead to death.” -1 John 5:17 (NLT)

4. Pray As If It Has Already Come To Pass 

[caption id="attachment_36956" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates praying for loved one stuck in sin 1 Credit: ©Thinkstock/roboriginal[/caption]

Give the Lord the praise and the glory for the victory over the person’s life as if it has already happened. For example, “Lord, I give you the praise and the glory over the victory that I am trusting You to bring to this person’s life.”

5. Pray Against The Enemy 

As we all know, the enemy is out to seek, kill and destroy anyone vulnerable in his path. He is good at trickery and making things look more appealing than they are. We need to pray against his influence in our loved ones lives, because he will do everything he can to keep them in sin and bondage.

RELATED: How to expose and protect yourself from the Enemy's schemes

For example, “To the enemy I say right now, that you will take everything you have ever come against them with, everything you have ever oppressed them with, you will take your hands off of them and every last fingerprint out of their life and go back to the pit of hell where you belong.”

“Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” -James 4:7

6. Pray For The Person’s Situation 

Pray specifically over what is keeping your loved one in bondage. Ask that all chains be broken and that God’s will prevail in this certain situation.

7. Speak Life Over Them

[caption id="attachment_36957" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates praying for loved one stuck in sin 2 Credit: ©Thinkstock/gpointstudio[/caption]

Finish your prayer by speaking life over the person you are praying for. Declare victory, redemption, healing and deliverance over the person.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." -Ephesians 6:18

As Christians, it’s not only important to pray for those living in sin, but to also pray for each other and with each other, as we pray for our loved ones. Prayer is a powerful thing.

“Where two or three gather as my followers, I am there among them.”-Matthew 18:20 (NLT)

Are you still wondering how to settle your thoughts and emotions before you go into your prayer time for your loved one? Let’s pray.

Dear Lord,

I come to You in deepest love and concern for my loved one. As you know it is hard for me to watch them go through this situation. It is even harder sometimes to keep my thoughts and emotions in check. Sometimes when I am in prayer, all these things get stirred up and it is hard for me to concentrate and hear Your voice. As I go into my prayer time with You right now, I pray that You will settle all these things inside me. Clear my heart and mind of anything that will hinder my discernment of Your voice. In Your name I pray.


YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 7 ways to pray when your child goes astray

Carrie Lowrance is a freelance writer and author. She has been featured on Huffington Post, She Is Fierce, Parachute, The Frugal Farmer, etc. She is also the author of two books of poetry, one children's book, and she writes her own personal finance blog at www.freelancebylowrance.com.

Credit: Crosswalk


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