
Family Breaks Silence To Warn Of Postpartum Depression Danger

August 23, 2016

Family Breaks Silence To Warn Of Postpartum Depression Danger

Grieving Family Issues Postpartum Depression Warning

Allison Goldstein never seemed anything other than joyful over her new role as a mom. No one -- not even those closest to her -- saw any signs of danger. And that's exactly why her grieving family is breaking their silence after Allison's suicide. They are issuing a postpartum depression warning to make sure everyone takes this lurking danger seriously. [caption id="attachment_30871" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates family shares postpartum depression warning after new mom's suicide fb Credit: NBC 12[/caption]

A Picture Perfect Start

As a teacher, Allison had a love and a talent for inspiring children. And the 32-year-old was overjoyed when blessed with her own beautiful baby girl. [caption id="attachment_30872" align="aligncenter" width="720"]godupdates family shares postpartum depression warning after new mom's suicide 1 Credit: NBC 12[/caption] Secretly, however, the beaming mother was suffering from postpartum depression. And she kept her pain hidden from everyone, even her family.
"I wanted red flags,” said her sister, Mallory. "I wanted big alerts."
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Hidden Pain

Allison suffered in silence until she couldn't take it any longer. She typed a letter to her family, dropped her 4-month old daughter, Ainslee, off at daycare, then drove down a dirt road and took her life. Her suicide was an utterly excruciating shock to her family. They were completely unaware of the intense battle raging behind Allison's beautiful smile.
"Just the days before, she was just the happiest, smiling,” said her father.
[caption id="attachment_30873" align="aligncenter" width="655"]godupdates family shares postpartum depression warning after new mom's suicide 2 Credit: NBC 12[/caption] Allison's family said she seemed completely normal. She called daily to check in and share updates on little Ainslee. There was never any reason to suspect her happiness was an act. Her letter was the first glimpse into the internal turmoil she hid so well.
"I'm so sorry that I didn't know how to describe this pain and seek help" she wrote.
They realized that if this could happen to Allison, it could happen to anyone. RELATED: 7 figures from the Bible who battled depression [caption id="attachment_30874" align="alignnone" width="559"]godupdates family shares postpartum depression warning after new mom's suicide 3 Credit: NBC 12[/caption]

Sharing Her Story

And that's why the grieving family decided to bravely share their heartbreaking story. They want their postpartum depression warning to shed some light on just how quickly the darkness from this disease can take over.
"To lose your sister and best friend of 32 years and you just didn't see it coming," said Allison’s sister, Mallory Hudson. "I mean without a doubt, you did not see this completely normal new mom to just fall apart so quickly."
[caption id="attachment_30875" align="aligncenter" width="656"]godupdates family shares postpartum depression warning after new mom's suicide 4 Credit: NBC 12[/caption] The family hopes that by sharing this postpartum depression warning, other lives will be saved. They hope openly talking about the disease will help to remove the stigmatism that's become attached. That instead of women seeing this as a character flaw or weakness they need to hide, they will recognize it as the illness it is, caused by changes in biology and hormones. And with this realization, the hope is they would be encouraged to seek help.
"The disease that it is lied to her," Mallory continued. "It twisted so many of her memories about being a new mom, a wife -- so many things -- it just lied to her. And it's awful, it's scary, and it happens and it happens so much more often than we realize." 
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More About The Disease

Postpartum depression often leaves new moms feeling overwhelmed, anxious, sad, guilty, irritable, hopeless, or exhausted but can’t sleep. It can also take on forms of anxiety and psychosis. And according to Postpartum Support Virginia, these feelings affect 1 in 5 women during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth.
And this is why Allison's family is spreading this postpartum depression warning. It occurs so often, and yet so many are afraid to talk about it. Which is why it's so important to constantly be checking in on new moms.
"There is so much emphasis on the baby. It's really important to ask the mom, you know, how are you doing? How are you doing with these changes?" advises Adrienne Griffen, a founder of Postpartum Support Virginia.
Adrienne also suggests asking a mom if she is able to sleep when the baby sleeps. If not, she says that is a big red flag.

Get Help Immediately

If you suspect that you or someone you know may be suffering from postpartum depression, please seek help immediately. The best place to start is at the doctor, but there are many online resources available to new moms as well. You can also research support groups HERE. God bless Allison's family for being so brave as to use their pain to try to help others by sharing this important message. The faithful family is seeking strength from the Lord, and said:
"We take comfort in knowing with Christian certainty that she now rests peacefully in the loving arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ, fully healed and relieved of all her pain and burdens."
Please keep this family and Allison's baby girl in your prayers as they go through this tragic loss. For more on Allison's story, watch the video below: "When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken." Psalm 34:17-20 [rsnippet id="2" name="ArticleAd-300x250-3"]

This mom bravely shares her heartbreaking story in the hopes that it will save others.

godupdates hot car warning grieving mom never thought it'd happen to her FB   h/t: NBC 12

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