When This Police Officer Stopped For A Breakfast Date, My Heart Grew Wings!

Mel Johnson

Just A Moment Can Leave A Lasting Impression

It’s not uncommon to hear of a police officer doing something heroic. They spend their days and nights protecting and serving their community. Amazing acts kind of come with the job. It’s why we love them so much!

But when you hear what Sergeant Erica Hays did, your heart will soar!

After leaving an early morning meeting, Sergeant Hays was ready for some breakfast. And as she passed by a homeless man sitting on the curb, she decided to do something nice. She decided to pick up breakfast for him, as well.

For many, that would have been enough. Giving food to a homeless person? Good deed complete.

But Sergeant Hays went above and beyond a random act of kindness. She displayed Christ-like compassion when she sat down on the curb, handed the food to the man and proceeded to share a meal with him.

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Jesus taught us the importance of breaking bread together. He also taught us the importance of caring for the poor and desolate, saying that whatever we do for the least of these, we have done for Him (Matthew 25:40). And so, what a touching sight it was to watch this kind officer take the time to share a meal with this struggling man.

The scene was so moving that it caught the attention of passerby, TiAnne Greene, who was taking her 7-year-old daughter to summer camp. She snapped a photo, and uploaded it to Facebook, so the kindness that struck her could inspire others as well. TiAnne also made sure to point this moment out to her young daughter, saying,

“I looked over and said to [my daughter], 'See? That's a real good sign of compassion -- that you care for other people no matter where they are in their lives.' It was a real teachable moment for her."


And TiAnne was not the only one touched by Sergeant Hays’ act of kindness. The photo she posted received words of praise for the Sergeant, and was shared thousands of times.

But to Sergeant Hays, she wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary. She says,

“He's just another person, just like I am. I know I enjoy company when I eat. I just sat down and ate with him. He's ... just like any other citizen. He's homeless, he might need our assistance more ... but he needs us just like everyone else does."

May God bless and watch over our brave police officers who, like Sergeant Hays, have a servant’s heart. And let’s be inspired by what Sergeant Hays did. The next time we do a good deed, let’s ask, “Lord, how can I take this act one step further?”

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42

For more stories that will give your heart wings, CLICK HERE!

credit: Huffington Post

Featured Image Credit: Facebook

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