Police Officer Gets Down In Driveway To Calm An Upset Boy With Autism

Mel Johnson

Push-Ups Get A Boy With Autism Smiling Again!

A photo of a boy called "Bubba" and Deputy Corey Loftis has gone viral. But what makes the picture so special is why the two are smiling. Just minutes before the picture was taken, Bubba -- a boy with autism -- was severely agitated. It seemed as though nothing would calm him down. But when this kind police officer showed up, he found a unique way to get Bubba smiling -- by doing push-ups! [caption id="attachment_31012" width="750"] Credit: Facebook / Bubba's Life - Autism and So Much More[/caption]

Getting To Know Bubba

Brandon Nifong -- known to many as "Bubba" -- has a big heart. The 19-year-old does what he can to help his community. In fact, he's been collecting soda can tabs for the past few years as a way to give back. [caption id="attachment_31013" width="720"] Credit: News Channel 9[/caption] He's try to collect one million tabs so that he can cash them in and make a donation to the Ronald McDonald House in Chattanooga.
"He figured this is a way he could help since at this time he didn't have a job where he could donate monetarily, so this is his way to help," his mom, Christy Richardson, explained.
[caption id="attachment_31014" width="517"] Bubba with his mom, Christy       Credit: Facebook / Bubba's Life - Autism and So Much More[/caption] But because Bubba has autism, he sometimes becomes agitated and difficult to calm down. RELATED: Grocery store cashier helps calm a girl with autism This was the case recently when Christy placed a call to the Bradley County Sheriff’s Office. She knew Bubba had a soft spot for officers, so she was hoping the police would be able to help calm her son down. [rsnippet id="3"]

Bonding With Push-Ups

When Deputy Loftis showed up, he was not only able to calm Bubba down, but even had him laughing! [caption id="attachment_31016" width="600"] Credit: Facebook / Bradley County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Eric Watson[/caption] The big-hearted police officer spent time talking with Bubba. Then he got down right there in the driveway, showing Bubba how to channel his frustration into something positive -- like doing push-ups. And the change Christy witnessed in her son was a true blessing!
"Bubba was laughing before Deputy Loftis left, which at the time I thought was impossible!" she said.
RELATED: Barber lays down on the floor to cut a boy with autism's hair She shared a picture of the touching moment on Facebook, which was in turn shared by the Bradley County Sheriff’s Office. And the sweet story has since gone viral! [caption id="attachment_31017" width="336"] Credit: Facebook / Bradley County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Eric Watson[/caption] It just goes to show that there are so many different ways our police officers help out their communities. They don't just save lives, many times they change them. And it can be the simplest act of kindness -- like getting down on the ground to do push-ups with a boy with autism -- that make the biggest impact!
"May the LORD now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this." 2 Samuel 2:6
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What the police did for this lonely, elderly couple is just plain awesome!

  h/t: Little Things

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