Sneaky Photobombing Dogs Have Perfect Timing

Dustin Dedrick

Sometimes you set the self-timer to take pictures of yourself, but I think these folks set the dog-timer! These photobombing dogs are are quite impressive.

I spy something in the room that's brown and fuzzy!

This happy pup ran into the picture just in the knick-of-time! Now, this kid looks like he's going on the snow dog ride of his life!

Who is more shocked to see this young man in uniform, dad or the doggy? We'll go with doggy!

Someone had plans to post a picture of their food on the Internet, someone else had plans to eat it!

Maybe this pooch thought that the wedding vows were saying 'To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer or for pups'

John 3:16-17

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