Nick Vujicic, Born With No Arms And No Legs, Is Inspiring So Many With His Incredible Testimony

Adam Staten

Nick Vujicic, a man born with no arms and no legs, doesn't let his physical differences hold him back. But his journey has not been easy. It's truly inspiring to hear Nick's powerful testimony of how God has touched his life and is using him to win over people for Jesus Christ!

The world is often a sad, dark, dangerous and lonely place. Life is not a fair experience. Everyday living is hard enough and is made exceedingly more so by the cruel, ignorant and horrible things people say and do to one another. 

RELATED: Nick Vujicic Shares Testimony Of Trying To Take His Own Life At 10 in 6 Inches of Water

Nick Vujicic knows all about the often harsh realities of life and about people’s mean, nasty remarks. In a video posted on YouTube, Nick, who has no arms and legs, explains how he went from attempting suicide as a child to winning souls for Christ.

Nick mentioned that after he was born with no arms and no legs, the doctor actually apologized to his parents.

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“When the doctor saw me for the first time, they apologized to my parents that they did not pick it up in the ultrasound and give them an option to abort me,” Nick said. 

Overcoming The Odds

Early in his life, at just 8 years old, Nick went into a depression. It was a dark period that lasted five years, ending in him attempting to take his own life. He was angry at the world and at God. He wanted a miracle, and no miracle ever happened.

But at 13, an injury to his foot made him come to a conclusion that changed his life.

“And I realized I gotta be thankful for what I have instead of being angry for what I don’t have,” Nick said. 

Then, in high school, a janitor told Nick that after witnessing him speak, he'd travel the world talking about his life’s story. That janitor was right. 

While Nick says he may never receive arms and legs, he already has the biggest miracle of all: salvation. Jesus Christ has saved his soul. 

The Lord has also blessed him with a beautiful wife and four wonderful children. 

Nick Vujicic adds that he does not represent those without arms or legs. But instead, he represents “healed, brokenhearted people to let the brokenhearted know that you can be healed, and you can be a miracle, too.”

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Psalm 66:16 “Come and hear, all you that fear God, and I will declare what he has done for my soul.”

WATCH: Nick Vujicic Testimony Of Life With No Arms And No Legs

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: YouTube

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