NASCAR Driver Ryan Blaney Shows Up To Surprise Kids With A Special Blessing

Adam Staten

A veteran NASCAR driver stepped up in a big way to help hundreds of children as they go back to the classroom for another school year.

The start of the school year can be stressful for everyone involved in the annual return to the classroom. Teachers, school administrators, parents and students want to start the academic year on the right foot. Part of that includes arriving with the correct materials needed to be successful. 

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However, for some children, this is easier said than done. Some students may have to do without, unable to obtain the proper pens, pencils, crayons, paper or other supplies. But that’s where NASCAR Ryan Blaney stepped in to help hundreds of students in the Richmond, Virginia, area, according to WTVR.

The outlet reports that in late July the veteran driver donated and handed out more than 500 backpacks to children at a YMCA. But the giving did not end with the backpacks. All of the school bags came with snacks and drinks for the youngsters.

Ryan mentioned that helping kids succeed in the classroom reminded him of his own childhood.

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“Giving away some backpacks today kind of brought me back to my childhood,” Ryan told WTVR. “Because I was, that was like the coolest thing ever, was getting a new backpack for the school year, really.”

Also, during the event, the kids were given school supplies and even winter coats from the local YMCA, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

In comments to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Ryan talked about the role the YMCA played in his life as a child. 

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“It’s big for us as drivers to support the communities we race in because without them, we wouldn’t have a race, and we wouldn’t have jobs,” Ryan said. “I grew up going to the YMCA every day when I was a kid, so it meant a lot to me.”

One mother, whose daughter attended the event, helped to put things in perspective. She talked about how much events like the backpack and school supply giveaway can mean. 

“A lot of us, you know, personally, are struggling to, you know, sometimes make ends meet,” she told WRIC. “Or just to even, you know, buy our kids, you know, a simple, you know, pencil whatever.”

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People in the world are struggling, especially financially. Most do not openly talk about their money problems. So, a little help can make a big difference in someone’s life.

“If you make any request to me in my name, I will do it.”John 14:14

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h/t: WTVR, Richmond Times-Dispatch,

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