Woman Turns To The Internet For Help When Mystery Creature Is Caught On Camera

Adam Staten

A woman in Texas, seeking to identify a strange being that was spotted in her neighborhood, turned to the internet for assistance with the creature. 

Over the course of a typical day, it’s not unusual for someone to come across several animals. Depending on where someone lives in the United States, the type of animal could vary somewhat. But regardless of location, seeing a dog or a cat aimlessly exploring the neighborhood or a squirrel scurrying up a tree would not be out of the question. 

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However, one woman in Hill Country Village, Texas, a town about 20 minutes north of San Antonio, spotted an animal unlike any she had ever seen, according to KENS-TV. Tina Kahling was inside her residence when she first laid eyes on the mysterious animal.

"I was inside and I looked out into the yard,” Tina said. "And I saw an animal right here and thought, 'Wow, what is that?'" 

As most people would do when they see something baffling or interesting, Tina snapped a couple of photos in order to document her discovery. 

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Tina then posted her pictures of the mystifying being on Facebook, seeking help in identifying the creature. In the caption to the photos, Tina wrote, “Unusual creature in my yard! What is it?”

Several on Social Media Gave Their Best Guess On The Mystery Animal

Tina received several dozen comments in response to her inquiry about the perplexing animal. Many attempted to answer her, with several mentioning that the creature in the photos was a coyote.

Others answered Tina, claiming that the being was a “Chupacabra.” However, one person, who was also unsure about the exact type of animal in the photos, advised Tina that if she had any dogs, keep them in the house and far away from that large creature.

The director of mammals for the San Antonio Zoo, Rachel Malstaff, agrees with others, stating that the animal might be a dog or a coyote, according to UPI.

Regardless of what that animal might be, most people can agree that it would be a smart move to stay a safe distance from it.  

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 “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, said the Lord.” - Isaiah 65:25

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h/t: KENS-TV, UPI & Facebook

Feature Image Credit: Facebook

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