Mysterious Voice Leads To The Rescue Of A Baby Girl And Saves An Officer's Soul

Stacie Marshall

Rescuers heard a mysterious voice saying "Help us, Help me." God sent angels to save this baby girl's life as she was hanging upside down in a car crash. And Lily's life was not the only one saved that day. One of the police officers who responded to the call credits this rescue with saving his soul!

A Mysterious Voice

Four police officers with the Spanish Fork Police Department rushed to help an overturned car in an icy Utah river. All four say they heard the same thing: a mysterious female voice calling out “Help!” from inside the vehicle.

However, the driver of the car, Jenny Groesbeck, was already dead when first responders arrived. And her 18-month-old daughter, Lily, was hanging upside down unconscious.

The mysterious voice confused the officers at first, but they all knew something much bigger was at hand.

(No mystery to was the voice of God directing these men. This is what a MIRACLE looks like!)

Ezekiel 43: 2 says, "And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the east and His voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with His glory."

A Startling Scene

Officer Jared Warner of the Spanish Fork Police Department was one of the first who came to the rescue of tiny Lily Groesback, who was strapped in a seat in the back of her mother’s car, which was hanging upside down in 40-degree water.

“We’ve gotten together and just talk about it and all four of us can swear that we heard somebody inside the car saying, ‘Help,’” Jared told KSL.

But when they flipped over the mid-sized car, they discovered the 25-year-old mother dead in the front seat and her daughter, Lily, unconscious in her car seat.

The only people in there were the deceased mother and the child and while these rescuers can't explain it they have no doubt they heard it.

"It wasn't just something that was just in our heads. To me it was plain as day cause I remember hearing a voice," Officer Tyler Beddoes said to FOX News. "I think it was Dewitt who said, 'We're trying. We're trying our best to get in there.' How do you explain that? I don't know." 

Nobody knows exactly how the infant survived hanging upside down for nearly 14 hours in her car seat with no food or water. As she dangled, icy water rushed just below her head through broken car windows as the vehicle sat perched on the bank and rocks. The temperatures were near freezing throughout the night and through the morning.

"It's heartbreaking. Was she crying most the night?" Tyler, a 30-year-old father of two told FOX News. "It's a miracle. . . She was needed for sure elsewhere."

Thankfully, despite the harsh conditions, Lily made a full recovery and is now a happy, healthy little girl.

The Rescuer Gets Rescued

One of the Police Officers that rescued baby Lily, Tyler Beddoes couldn't shake the mysterious voice that led them to save that baby girl. Tyler was in a rough spot with his faith when they got the call to save baby Lily. A few heartbreaking calls had tested Tyler, not just as a police officer but as a Christian.

"I was in a complete downward spiral," Tyler said to Deseret News. "Right up until Lily, it was some of my worst moments, of darkness, spiritually speaking."

But when Tyler responded to the call that saved baby Lily everything changed. He knew as soon as they flipped the car over that the voice had not come from the car, but from an angel.

"And then that incident, the voice we heard … it really just changed my outlook on life and the spiritual realm as well," Tyler shared with Deseret News.

Tyler now credits that rescue and Lily's miraculous recovery with saving his own life. His faith has been lost but God showed up in a big way through a tiny little girl, and Tyler could see the signs of Heaven all around the encounter.

Tyler told Deseret News, "We rescued Baby Lily that day and heard the voice, but in reality, she rescued me, and the voice rescued me and my faith."

Officer Shares His Story

Once Tyler had felt God so loud and clear he couldn't keep things to himself. He has now shared his experience in his collaborative book "Proof of Angels". The book shares powerful stories of angels and Tyler was thrilled to get to put baby Lily's story to paper.

"Angel encounters happen all the time,"Tyler told Deseret News "It's amazing, doing the research for the book, you can talk to so many people and so many people have emailed me saying, 'I've had this same type of experience,' and they're all over. I think that if we really open our eyes to it, it happens all the time."

There is no doubt that baby Lily has changes the lives of those who her story has touched. God can truly use all things for good! God has a plan and purpose that is much bigger than our understanding and sent this family a miracle. Bless this baby and bless her rescuers.

HT FoxNews, Deseret News, KSL

Featured Image Credit: Getty Images

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